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On the face of it, it's hard to tell if there really is anything deeper to Rofo's butthurt over the Gene Jones dumping other than (a.) the elimination of a like-minded ally (i.e. another high-handed "Rules/Laws Are For Suckers" type thug), and/or (b.) he sees it as a personal affront to him, with the THCH board daring to challenge his authority by giving his man the boot. And of the two possibilities, I'm betting the latter is what's really chapping his enormous ass..

I would guess the same as well, if only for Dougie's lack of involvement in the issue. If there were larger forces at work, Doug would be out there doing the talking.

Although the speculation that Jones may have wanted to install a police force is intriguing. Ford puts Jones in, Jones gets his poilice force in TCHC, Jones owes Ford for giving him his wet dream and gets dirty cops in there, giving whoever is above Ford unfettered access to use TCHC buildings for all sorts of dealings. Kindof out there but who knows...

I didn't hear back from any media who I questioned as to Doug's recent disappearance.
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As someone noted upthread, TCHC security are peace officers. It's got its own "force". Jones' success in Detroit was based on his ability to get decade-old projects off the ground plus his Fordian touch with the residents. On the down side, it seems he'd get rid of anyone who disagreed with him. I think the VP of HR at TCHC also needs to be shown the door as he/she allowed Jones to run amock, as did the Board.
This tweet does not reference Rob Ford or Gene Jones, but is, nevertheless, apt. In fact it's sheer poetry:



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Here is more background on the Woodbridge slaying and the mafia connections between TO and Montreal.

Police believe [Verduci] graduated from street level heroin dealing to high-level drug trafficking, gun running and gambling with the ’Ndrangheta crime group, considered Italy’s most powered organized crime network.

Police suspected Verduci was smuggling AK-47 assault rifles into the GTA while the ’Ndrangheta was brokering arms for opium in Afghanistan.

“These weapons are coming from the United States,†a police report obtained by the Star states.

Italian authorities issued a warrant against Verduci in 2011 for “Mafia associations†but he could not be deported because he was a Canadian.

Police files on Verduci say he was believed to have arranged heroin shipments from Mexico, and that he also arranged multi-kilo shipments of cocaine.

“Cocaine is transported from Mexico-BC-Ontario,†a police report says. It says he took part in high-level deals in which mobsters swapped cocaine for heroin so they could supply both drugs in their markets.

“Verduci pre-arranges coke (cocaine) amounts for shipment and Verduci is associated to Nick ‘the Greek’ who imports kilos of heroin to Canada,†a report says.
If this goes above Ford, I think its safe to say it will be the biggest political scandal to come from Canada.
Seems unlikely now that it will ever go much above Ford. The expectation of a major political inquiry into the Fords is just more MetroMan hyperbole. We haven't even nabbed Ford for drunk driving yet.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Ford family tangled in all sorts of dodgy activity with dodgy characters. Criminal undertakings probably have a few levels of stupid before you reach the big guys, and Fords are magnets for stupid. There will be no masterminds involved here. So the biggest political inquiry in Canadian history is going to be an investigation into the criminal underworld networking out of their parent's basements?
Seems unlikely now that it will ever go much above Ford. The expectation of a major political inquiry into the Fords is just more MetroMan hyperbole. We haven't even nabbed Ford for drunk driving yet.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Ford family tangled in all sorts of dodgy activity with dodgy characters. Criminal undertakings probably have a few levels of stupid before you reach the big guys, and Fords are magnets for stupid. There will be no masterminds involved here. So the biggest political inquiry in Canadian history is going to be an investigation into the criminal underworld networking out of their parent's basements?

I am thinking along the same lines. The Fords are not capable of sophisticated thought, let alone the complex maneuverings of organized crime. As I've said earlier, instead of trying to catch a "big fish", I wish TPS would just pop Rob for drunk driving or even being drunk in public. One sentence of being kept in a cell to dry out would be enough to ditch his butt.
Remember Randy got charged for holding a "client" hostage for non-payment. They called the kid's parents for the debt to be paid. The parents called the cops, at least someone wasn't afraid of the Ford's power.

Yup, and the cops turned him over to the criminal justice system, which made him pay dearly for his crimes, as the records show...

What? There are no records? Weird...
Jesus christ MetroMan pisses me off these days

He is literally saying "I know nothing about anything, but I like to mention that I have sources so I'm going to post this worthless nonsense anyway"

Christ on a cracker someone get this guy off his Twitter celebrity high
I gave up on this guy the moment he said a Ford arrest was guaranteed. Only an idiot would guarantee anything like that.
Is the goal now for Rob to suggest Ford Nation (what's left of it) will morph into some kind of demented destructive force? A summer of pedestrians being randomly shot, cars overturned and set on fire, maybe an old fashioned Watts riot? Dangerous BS.

From the Star article above: In essence, Ford was suggesting his druglord friends, his crackhead compatriots in Etobicoke, and the malleable masses could rise up and raise holy hell because the “corrupt” city was sticking it to them once again.
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Democracy is an ongoing expense this city can no longer afford...

gordperks 7:35am via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Looked at that way we see the underlying anti-democratic assumptions in the way the Mayor sees the world.
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