Senior Member
Doug's reason for going to the CBC:
In the words of Doug Ford:
Why strike a deal with the CBC?
Well first of all I respect the CBC. I believe they are one of the most credible organizations in Canada in the media, in my opinion. And that it will stop the speculation, for example, a 15-year-old young lady spotted Rob Ford at the Tim Horton's. Another person spotted him in Hamilton. Spotted him in Calgary. Spotted him everywhere. Just to stop the speculation to let the people of Toronto know that Rob is taking this seriously, is getting treatment and that he wants to continue coming back and serving the people.
Guess Doug doesn't read the Star. Since he claims he's been having trouble sleeping, perhaps he shouldn't read Kevin's latest. Rehab is the least of Rob's worries now, you can only blame so much on the booze, the rest is all Rob. Bet he's wishing he'd gone to rehab last year. Absolute trash, the whole family, sure shows that money doesn't make you classy.