That letter he send it just too much, signing it "MAYOR FORD" like some sort of child spelling is a perfect description of it. It's weird, it's like he's trying to convince himself (and others) who's "still in charge". This whole thing is an ego trip for him, he truly is a pathetic man. But the other thing that stands out and a very good eye from a few pages back is that he made this letter in early June, he is calling his release date to the hour. Is that normal, even though I never had any personal experience with rehab as far as I know I never remember somebody having their release date pre-determined to the hour. Sounds sketchy, but I'm sure this site the only place that notice it and nobody in the mainstream does.
This whole "rehab" thing was sketchy from the start. Here's what I think happened, Ford knew this new crack story would be the end of him so he used the rehab card. He has connections to the owner of this particular facility and does you scratch my back, I scratch yours. The facility is a bit cautious about the whole thing, which is why it took Doug so long to get them to confirm, he had to do a lot of arm twisting and promising "It will be fine" they give in. CBC confirms it is technically a "facility". Rob gets a two month "let things cool down" vacation. They beg him to keep his nose clean. But again the ego he just has to get around and feel celebrity jones.
What is with the "weight loss" comments coming from Ford. I know even much better politicians than Ford at times get caught in the bubble and something they think will work really well in their focus group, works horrible with the general public (see Hudak entire campaign lol) Who on earth think Ford losing weight will help him in any fashion. If he came back trimmer I think people would ask if he went to substance rehab or fat camp. When he talks about weight loss even the small percentage of people who want to give him the benefit of the doubt, makes it sound like he's missing the point totally.
A thing I ask is we NOT play RoDoFo game. He is desperately is going to want a clean slate for "behaving" for 3 months. If Doug is on him strong enough he could probably do it. We cannot play that as a standard. That's like goofing off your entire high school time and just trying for one summer and getting your diploma. It an absurd notion that being "clean" for 3 months means he deserves four more years under any circumstance. The media needs to stop focusing on the substance abuse angle and focus on why are you hanging around with known hardened criminal angles.