Forgive me if it seems like I’m barging in here, but I discovered this thread just before the Greenstone chapter began and I’ve been lurking since. I now find it impossible to resist chipping in.
I’m from outside the GTA, about an hour east. As an outsider, I’m constantly wondering what causes my Fordnation fascination and here’s what I think:
Recently, I’ve had to remove a wildly narcissistic, abusive manipulative psychopath from my life. Because this person was themselves a close family member, it’s been an ordeal filled with intense emotion. There’s been so much damage done that I’m left with a huge amount of anger, resentment etc. that’s difficult to work through.
As I struggle to put this behind me, I see the Ford Nation Shitshow and the similarities between my abuser and the Ford fam are incredibly striking. Repeating simplistic nonsense talking points with no comprehension or regard to how they’re playing to the room. The old “I’m not racist (or whatever) - YOU ARE” arguments. The “I have never been, nor will I ever be wrong or have done anything wrong” position. The “but I’m the victim here” game. The absolute lack of any shred of self-awareness. I could go on. Combine that with the racism, homophobia, misogyny and gross douchbaggery that is the Ford brand and the bullshit that we’re expected to believe and accept and, well I just can’t look away from Twitter and this thread.
I guess with my introduction out of the way, there are a couple of points that I want to make:
I’m glad to see the narrative shifting from the “disease” to what a douch/criminal/dolt he is. Sometimes I wonder if he does all this to distract from the fact that he has no platform other than stopping the gravy train and arguing about umbrellas.
Having recently become a father for the first time, I’m fearful for what Rob’s (and Doug’s for that matter) kids are going through. Trainwreck parenting to the max. Was that really Rob’s boy with him at the EYCD parade or just some poor kid swept up in his sweaty grasp?
Finally, a few pages back, there was a discussion surrounding His Worship looking high/sedated etc. in his first two interviews when he got back. As someone who kicked a 10 year dependancy with benzodiazepines, I’d know that nod anywhere. My script was for anxiety/depression but I’m told it’s pretty common in the treatment of alcoholism. A few things about benzos: They really hit the spot. When you’re stressed, they work wonders. Also, they are incredibly addictive and a tolerance will develop quickly. When you have, as I did, a bottle of 300 on your desk, it’s easy to over-medicate. They also make one drink seem like four. So, if Rob gets accustomed to a high dose, falls off the wagon and chugs a mickey of vodka, that could be the ballgame right there.
I’d like to see him get his substance demons exorcised and I’d love to think that he can find some kind of redemption as a member of the human race but I’m not optimistic about either. Sometimes I wish he could go all Joaquin Phoenix, peel off the fat suit and declare the entire thing as some kind of twisted performance art.
Thanks for allowing me these cathartic ramblings, good people of Toronto. In the future, promise I’ll keep it brief.
If inclined, my Twitter handle is @Kempie_3000