Sears has the approval of Neil Flagg. Flagg also endorses Reg Hartt for ward 20...
Thank you for this, I was starting to think I was insane. I also did a google search and it was referred to as "boystown" in a Now article, so yeah, obviously other people know it as this as well.
But I do agree with katz, it is sexist, and The Village is a more appropriate name.
And speaking of the LGBTQ community; Ford Nayshunites are showing their true f'ld up selves and are being violent towards the LGBTQ protestors.
And now for something completely different....Solid waste contracts and costs
Did DWM's committee ask Toronto Solid Waste for an inhouse quote on cost to do District 1 (Etobicoke)
The new 8 year contract was let to Miller Waste at a cost of 88,606,843/8 = 11,075.855 per year or 169.26 per household (65,429 households in District 1)
The auditor studied District 2 costs for 2011 and came up with 27.5M actual if picked up by City workers...this equates to $166.26 per household (165,407 households in District 2)
Interesting, eh the private contractor for District 1 will be charging more household than the estimated cost per household if picked up by City workers in District 2.....
He wanted to talk about Rochdale.
It's not often that you get to meet a future prime minister in a park in Scarborough.
It's not often that you get to meet a future prime minister in a park in Scarborough.
Some supporters of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford at Ford Fest have clashed with LGBT activists, ripping their signs while chanting the mayor's name.
Police are on the scene.
Rob Ford has arrived. It was quite the entrance. A large group of people ran towards him. One man nearly trampled pic.twitter.com/70ioBdh95a
— Tashauna (@CBCTashauna) July 25, 2014
I suspect part of it is she loves attention
I swear someone posted in this thread that all the other candidates should show up to FordFest to protest/counteract Rob's campaigning. So Stintz appears to be doing just that and gets chewed out? Because of some kooky speculation posted here (and supported by zero evidence) that she is gathering supporters so she can drop out of the race and ship those supporters over to Ford? (By the way, she can't ship any supporters to Ford; she can endorse him, and the people who were her supporters can CHOOSE to take her advice -- or not.)
I don't even like Stintz and I think she's not very bright, but it's just possible that she went there a) to make a point about FordFest and campaigning (by wearing the Stintz for Mayor shirt); and b) trying to be friendly and talk to people and steal a few supporters away from Ford -- which is pretty much what candidates do.