TJ O'Pootertoot
Senior Member
I'll say 26%.
I guess it'll be between 26-27%, but I'm trying to be optimistic.
I've been consistent in my belief of around 15%. I think his ceiling is 20%. I think, polls be damned, when people get into the ballot box the ONLY people who will vote for him are the Ford Nation Lost Causes. All the people who were willing to give this maverick, this not-like-other-guys pol a chance last time cuz they were tired of Miller and what they perceived to be runaway spending are done with Ford. All he's got left is a rump and soon we'll know exactly how small it is.
That said, the man has taken us so far towards a democratic rock bottom that it will be very interesting to look at the vote breakdown once all is said and done. Any neighbourhood that votes for him is effectively lost to the greater city,as far as I'm concerned. I have a very small amount of sympathy for those who genuinely feel he is the only one who listens to their real problems or who are, for whatever reason, marginalized. But that doesn't change the fact that in voting for him they are being duped by a sick, criminal liar who - by the by - has no clue how to govern and, even were he somehow re-elected, would be unable to push an agenda through council. I really don't care who wins aside from Ford (OK, and Stintz) but I suspect John Tory has a far greater understanding of the needs in "priority neighbourhoods" and how to confront them than Ford ever could. But these people will vote for him anyway and in doing so will (IMHO) exclude themselves from helping the city move forward. Whether Ford voters are amoral, selfish or merely ignorant makes no difference to me at this point.