He's that too ... how does that make him not a racist or a bigot? He claims to be a Christian, but most Christian's I know are neither racist or opposed to gays.McVety is a religious wingnut.
He's that too ... how does that make him not a racist or a bigot? He claims to be a Christian, but most Christian's I know are neither racist or opposed to gays.McVety is a religious wingnut.
I was waiting for Rob to call people from his hospital bed. Still it sounds pretty serious.
The new look of the Scarborough camping office.
If he's actually got cancer, we will hear the test results soon. If he doesn't, the cone of silence will fall.We should hear some test results soon, assuming the Fords don't drop the cone of silence over his results.
Or maybe Rob's lying as usual. It's really sad that I don't believe anything that Rob says. Not a single word. We should hear some test results soon, assuming the Fords don't drop the cone of silence over his results.
If it's true that they did a biopsy on his lung, it would seem to me that the CT, or an xray, found more than a mass in his lower left quadrant. If true, it sounds like he's in bigger trouble than we thought.
You'd think owning a printing company with large clients, they'd at least have at least one decent graphic designer on staff. Nope. Everything they do, including the non-edited sign looks like it's a buddy's brother who thinks Microsoft Word is a graphic design app.
If it's true that they did a biopsy on his lung, it would seem to me that the CT, or an xray, found more than a mass in his lower left quadrant. If true, it sounds like he's in bigger trouble than we thought.
Fundamentally his test results doesn't affect the reality that he and his family is unfit for public service. Cancer or no cancer, Rob Ford and his family's presence is to the detriment to city governance. They had their chance, and they blew it - and blew it wide open. I want them out ASAP and I don't care how.
If he got lung mets, he will need all the prayers he can get.
I was waiting for Rob to call people from his hospital bed. Still it sounds pretty serious.
The new look of the Scarborough camping office.
He could be vomiting from whatever drugs he's on (legal, I doubt he's using in hospital) and if you listen to a phlegmy asthmatic on the phone, it's always bad sounding.
I am not putting it past Ford to make the prognosis seems as grim as possible, only to make a "miraculous recovery" and make another run for it in 2018.
My mother ended up in the hospital a few times after trying to drink herself to death. Do you think it made any difference in her habits? Nope! We still had to wheel her outside a few times a days so she could have a cigarette. My point? It wouldn't surprise me if somebody was smuggling stuff in for him. You're thinking like a normal person. Addicts don't.