I think Doug and Rob have a "if they call you X, just call them X right away" automatic reflex defence "strategy".
Ex. with the crack scandal the immediately went around accusing everyone else of smoking weed etc, asking for council to be drug tested. Always trying to accuse others of the same thing.
So if someone points out something about they've said is racist, they immediately lash back calling everyone around them racist.
Yes, this technique is called "Projection." The current day Republican Party and their propagandists in the media - Rush Limbaugh, et al - are masters at this scummy little tactic. Slob and Thug have taken to it like ducks to water, but I daresay the Ford Bros have a crass, raw-boned immediacy with their own brand of bullshit that actually works to their advantage; their lack of polish probably makes them seem more 'genuine' to their imbecile fanbase. They're hicks, after all, never mind the fact that they're millionaires. Doesn't their lack of sophistication make them salt-of-the-earth, good-ole-boys types?
It's worth pointing out that projection only works as long as the people supposedly opposing them sit on their hands and refuse to counter whatever lies are on display. Which, again, works to their advantage, and in ways beyond the obvious: The Fords' lies are just so outrageous that I can see apolitical types giving them the benefit of the doubt because
surely we'd be hearing from the media and opposing politicians if they really were lying through their teeth every time they open their mouths, right? It's this, more than anything, that's really made me angry at Tory and Chow over the past few weeks.
It's also worth mentioning that Thug, in particular, is reckless as hell with his little mistruths. He really appears to be the type to spew out incredible whoppers for immediate, short-term gain, even if the lies are manifestly untrue and easily verifiable as such, and if they'll come back to bite him on his ample ass down the road. The whole "My wife is Jewish!" saga is as solid an example as any we've seen. But then, Thug's a bullshit artist, and he probably thinks he doesn't have to worry about being held accountable for anything, let alone something as quaint as telling lies. He certainly hasn't been wrong about that up 'till now. Sadly enough.