Senior Member
So what happens with everyone here if Doug wins? What will you guys do?
At a minimum, carry on debunking his lies.
So what happens with everyone here if Doug wins? What will you guys do?
I think Doug and Rob have a "if they call you X, just call them X right away" automatic reflex defence "strategy".
Ex. with the crack scandal the immediately went around accusing everyone else of smoking weed etc, asking for council to be drug tested. Always trying to accuse others of the same thing.
So if someone points out something about they've said is racist, they immediately lash back calling everyone around them racist.
Seriously. I found out a few years ago my elementary school bully was found dead of an overdose under the box he lived in. I couldn't bring myself to feel sorry for him in any way, although I did stop short of replying "good" when I was told.
George & Eleanor were not her aunt and uncle - they were her maternal grandparents.
Funny. I'm the opposite. Why wouldn't you vote in your best interest? Sometimes that's the best candidate; clearly, in this election, it's to prevent a re-Ford.
As a fledgling Buddhist I cannot harm someone or wish them dead but I can dance on the grave of my enemy. After all they are free of this existence. And I am free of them.
You're suggesting Tory is in my best interest??
No. David Soknacki was in my best interest - fantastic policy and realistic plans...
I don't know how much trust you want to put into arrival records of even marriage registrations going back to the late 19th or early 20th centuries...Hebrew immigrants were for the greatest part very circumspect about revealing themselves to the point of marrying under Christian rite and fully anglizing names. Sometimes the only way you would find out they were Hebrew was on death given the Jewish burial rites and the necessity of being buried under your Hebrew name..
I don't know how much trust you want to put into arrival records of even marriage registrations going back to the late 19th or early 20th centuries...Hebrew immigrants were for the greatest part very circumspect about revealing themselves to the point of marrying under Christian rite and fully anglizing names. Sometimes the only way you would find out they were Hebrew was on death given the Jewish burial rites and the necessity of being buried under your Hebrew name..
I saw my first Ford for Mayor sign this AM.
North side of St. Clair between Vic Park and O'Connor.
The only one I've seen. And I drove through Norm Kelly's ward.
Saw a shit-ton of Trustee Sam signs though. I cannot believe that people support that clown publicly.