I know this is a very left wing site but I need to put my rant here about this situation. I'm going to bet that I'll get banned for this, which is fine, as it will go ahead and prove my point about the lefty ruling class.
Kids, the lesson here is that in Canadian politics, if you are not a member of the elite, Liberal-socialist ruling class, or a member of the clubs, or an alum. of Upper Canada College or St Andrews, Rosedale/Forrest Hill, member of the big boys club, then you have absolutely no chance in Canadian Politics.
Poor Rob Ford, the voice of the common person, the hard working tax payer, never even had a chance in the face of the left wing, socialists, and the Toronto "Red" Star newspaper. Public opinion is against him just because he didn't fit the image that the left created while the Toronto Star, the CBC and other biased media shaped the image of an idiot when he actually did many positive things for Toronto (no strikes, canceled the vehicle fee, contracting out garbage collection, fixed the Jarvis bike lane, added Sherbourne bike lanes and championed a subway expansion)
So now, he loses his job, for something as minor as $3000 for his Football team while others who happen to be Liberal/NDP/Socialist/Left Wing, get away with massive corruption, nepotism, and boondogles (E Health, Natural Gas Plan scandals etc).
I for one am so disappointed in the so called "democracy" in Canada it makes me sick. I would rise up and fight, but how can we when we are wasting soo much time in gridlock traffic and inadequate public transit commuting to a job that underpays in order to pay off the massive mortgage and high cost of living.
The lesson here is that democracy is a sham in Canada, the left have the power and control, and will do what it takes to get their way, even when they lose the elections.
I for one am NEVER GOING TO VOTE AGAIN!! Why should I WASTE my valuable TIME when it's so obvious that it doesn't even matter.
Thank you.