Senior Member
The water jets in NPS have already been turned on for the summer and just yesterday, I saw children playing in them. Ford must know they are there.
Good to see you back adma, be good!
Next year at this time we should get a grassroots campaign going to help keep Ford from getting re-elected, perhaps through here and on anti-Rob Ford Facebook pages. We need to factually list what he ran on and factually list his failures on the issues. Further, briefly list his flubs, other failures, city-destroying policies, embarrassments and design a flier to hand out. Those who are passionate start dropping a couple of toonies into a dedicated jar each week so that this time next year we can each get the fliers printed with no hit to our wallets and then take to the streets handing them out and talking to people. Until then we can keep debating his nonsense but we must be passionate, get off out collective butts and affect change next election to save our city.
Though I may be too cynical I actually wonder how many UP posters actually cast votes in the last Council and Mayoral election. The UT age demographic (as I understand it) is not a group who normally vote in large numbers.Yes, this- it's so easy to sit back and criticize Ford and say that you want someone else in the mayor's chair. It takes more effort to actually contribute to the cause, and every bit of effort helps.
Though I may be too cynical I actually wonder how many UP posters actually cast votes in the last Council and Mayoral election. The UT age demographic (as I understand it) is not a group who normally vote in large numbers.
Good to see you back adma, be good!
Next year at this time we should get a grassroots campaign going to help keep Ford from getting re-elected, perhaps through here and on anti-Rob Ford Facebook pages. We need to factually list what he ran on and factually list his failures on the issues. Further, briefly list his flubs, other failures, city-destroying policies, embarrassments and design a flier to hand out. Those who are passionate start dropping a couple of toonies into a dedicated jar each week so that this time next year we can each get the fliers printed with no hit to our wallets and then take to the streets handing them out and talking to people. Until then we can keep debating his nonsense but we must be passionate, get off out collective butts and affect change next election to save our city.
This is a good strategy, but what I really want is educated, articulate people to pack the mayoral debates and ask Ford hard questions about his numbers and his plans. Not settling for "I'm going to save the city billions" but holding up copies of the city budget and asking where those billions are coming from. If he tries to pass off a question, have the next person ask him the same thing. Same with his transit plan. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why no one in the press or on Council has ever asked him to name three companies he's talked to about his P3 magic beans for the Marshmallow Subway To Nowhere.
Either he'll have to come clean about making this stuff up as he goes along, or he'll get incredibly flustered and make the news anyway. The debates, unlike his press scrums, are not things he can just run away from.
Someone ought to get Graphicmatt as debate moderator.
A moderator is, you know, supposed to be impartial and all...