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I'd prefer if the media would attempt to get Harper to reconcile his anti-drug stance with accepting an endorsement from RoFo given the newest exerpts from Towhey's book.

...but that's not likely to happen.
sad how true this is...
Many Torontonians are willing to vote for a Ford, almost any Ford, regardless of the abuse they inflict on themselves or others close to them. And that's pretty remarkable when you study the Ford story.

Consider this timeline: after admitting he smoked crack, Ford launched his re-election campaign in January 2014; in May, he entered a drug-rehabilitation program; upon his release, he revealed he had an abdominal tumour and withdrew from the mayoral race; he then registered for his old city council seat and, without much in the way of campaigning, won handily.

Meanwhile, brother Doug, who had taken up the Ford colours in the mayoral election, came in a respectable second to John Tory.

Say what you will about their life choices, but the Ford brothers are a political force of nature.

That the Fords are still a force in Toronto politics reveals quite a bit about the political culture in Ontario's largest city. Take away the financial district, the world-class arts and sports, the internationally renowned academia and what do you have left? A well-established, populist wing-nut constituency that has more in common with voters in southern Alberta than Rosedale.
So, there 's going to be a couple of different CPC campaign events tonight, correct? Are Ford and Harper going to be at the same one? If so, we can hope Blob pulls some stupid, attention-grabbing stunt that will completely undermine Harpo. Probably won't happen, but wouldn't it be nice? All depends on how pissed off Thugs One and Two are at their good buddy Harper right now.
I think I heard on CBC that Harpo's going to be out and about across the country at campaign gameshow events throwing money around trying to buy votes wherever he has a faint hope of holding his base base. I think normal people are just plugging their ears and getting increasingly eager for Monday to settle this. I wonder if any of the 3.6M early voters will want to take their votes back because they missed the Grand Finale. I'm hoping Rob told S.H. he should be taking more selfies. And I think Doug will get a better turnout at his F***Fest if he does his own event. Harper;s Fordian dialect isn't sufficiently proficient to make himself understood in the Nation of Frod.
from that same article...
And thanks to the Internet, we all have access to a world of information on the people involved in campaigns. Background checks that used to take months and involve professional investigators can now be accomplished by anyone with a good knowledge of web search engines and online resources.

IMG_4464.JPG Some pretty effective last minute fear mongering handing on my front door. I still think Harper's going to squeak out a majority and that these polls showing Justin ahead are wrong.


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View attachment 57017 Some pretty effective last minute fear mongering handing on my front door. I still think Harper's going to squeak out a majority and that these polls showing Justin ahead are wrong.

At this point, this sort of nonsense is geared more to getting out the vote in already blue ridings than persuading fence-sitters to vote for them.

In my very orange riding, I can't recall having a less visible Conservative candidate, though I did happen to see him once, putting up his own signs!
Has this been posted yet? Details from St. Patrick's Day... plus drunk driving, a shot at the TPS, and weird things about money.

surprise, surprise, i gotta highlight a few things.

an example of rob's 'office savings'...
When Rob became mayor, things got worse: He refused to let any of his staff claim their expenses. This was unfair. We weren’t paying people a lot, and their costs were legitimate. Earl and I fought Rob on this so often that he begrudgingly agreed to reimburse staff expenses—out of his own pocket. Literally: someone would hand Rob a receipt, and he’d pull out a stack of $20s and peel a few off. (He usually had around $1,000 in his pocket.) The staff found this so embarrassing they ate all but the biggest work expenses. I certainly did; I never claimed anything.

But in mid-2012, just after I became chief of staff, Rob suddenly began paying for everything by check. His pocket cash seemed to have evaporated. He began arguing about a lot of expenses, and taking longer and longer to pay back the few he deemed worthy. Just before Christmas, I overheard Rob ask aide Kia Nejatian to book Rob’s family vacation to Florida on Kia’s credit card. (Kia told me soon after that it wasn’t the first time he’d put charges of Rob’s on his card, and he was still waiting for repayment.)

this next bit is jaw dropping!!
Then this happened: A junior staffer named Chris Fickel had a minor accident in a city car. No one was hurt, appropriate reports were filed, and the matter was closed. Until weeks later, that is, when Chris asked to speak with me privately. Nervously, he admitted to me that Rob had pulled him aside, and told him that the woman whose car he’d hit had phoned him and was threatening to sue. Rob said he’d calmed her down by offering to have Chris pay her $2,000 to “make the problem go away.” Rob said he’d deliver the money himself, because the woman might not want to see Chris. If he didn’t pay, Rob warned, Chris could be charged and do jail time. To me, it sounded perilously close to a shakedown.

how can something like this be official policy?!?
The next morning at the senior staff meeting, I made it policy: No staffers were permitted to be in a vehicle operated by the mayor. They could ride in Rob’s car if someone else drove. If Rob was driving, they were to follow him in a city car.

as if towhey actually thinks that we are safe from drunk drivers as long as we aren't in the same car as them...
“I’m not saying that you drive drunk,” I countered, in my most level and measured voice. “I’m saying that I don’t know if you’re always sober when you drive, so I’m taking steps to make sure our staff—your employees—are safe.”

what a douchebag he is.

anyone else doubt the account of his own conduct? always calm and measured, sure...
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