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Here's one positive story from back in the day. We had this new running back who transferred over from another school. Guy was an amazing athlete--best player on our team. But he'd be slipping and sliding all over the field. Rob asks him what's up, and he says his family was too poor to afford football cleats so he had to use this cheap old running shoes with no traction. Ford just hands him $100 out of his own pocket to go buy himself some real shoes. Then he starts running through the league's best defences almost single handedly with little help from us. So Rob definitely had his good side.

Rob relationship with his players, and his ward as a whole, was very much that of a fiefdom. He gave them scraps when they were hungry, while failing to activate, and often actively blocking, programs and services that would assist his peons in climbing out from hunger and poverty. If it didn't come from Rob, he didn't want them to have it, lest they become less dependent on him. That personal touch was a great way to build an army of blind peons who didn't/don't realize that there is another better way.
Rob relationship with his players, and his ward as a whole, was very much that of a fiefdom. He gave them scraps when they were hungry, while failing to activate, and often actively blocking, programs and services that would assist his peons in climbing out from hunger and poverty. If it didn't come from Rob, he didn't want them to have it, lest they become less dependent on him. That personal touch was a great way to build an army of blind peons who didn't/don't realize that there is another better way.

And don't forget the taking back the football gear donation thing awhile ago either.

An open casket in a public space is unimaginable,

Nothing new about open caskets,

Lying in State at Old City Hall
Before Jack Layton, the public mourned two former mayors at our main municipal building.

Women curtsied, old veterans saluted, many crossed themselves. Men and women dropped to their knees before the coffin to pray. Some reached forward to pat the mayor’s hand. A clergyman put a hand on Mr. Summerville’s forehead and murmured a brief prayer. A motorcycle policeman in uniform looked at the body of the chief magistrate, snapped in attention, and saluted.
Keep talking Doug:

Jonathan GoldsbieVerified account‏@goldsbie
Doug says that Rob and the family had wanted an open-casket viewing, but City staff persuaded them that wouldn't be good for a public place.

I'm curious. I've been fortunate so far in that I haven't had to attend many funerals but is it "tradition" that the corporeal remains of public figures remain intact for the funeral (I guess you can't "lie in repose/state" otherwise)? How many regular folks still go the casket and burial route as opposed to cremation? Like I said, I haven't been to that many funerals or visitations - maybe 20? since my first in 1975 - but I think the last time the guest of honour wasn't in an urn or the like was circa 1990 and that was an 80-something aunt. Even my mother, who is approaching 80 herself has been taken aback in recent years at the unexpected sight of a casket (mercifully closed) - it just doesn't seem to be the norm, at least in my WASP-y circle.

I guess it could be worse - Doug could've heard of the Center for Scientic Research and Teaching Methods in Biochemical Technologies in Moscow. I hear they have a first-class "mausoleum group":

OTOH - they could've made great use of one of those "Oriental" vases...:eek:
Nope. He was actually the sweetest thing in this infamous big ball of wackadoodle:

That Sun video was telling.The way Dougie repeated himself ("He kept going at it, going at it, going at it...") was vintage Rob. That "nothing" statement was sad, but it sounded more parrot-like than comprehension. Interesting too how he "runs" to the camera/press like they're his friend. Wonder what's really going on in that 9-year-old mind (and the ones around him).

Obviously children will repeat what they have heard and witnessed especially until they are a little older and have learned, by their family example how to lie, deny and manipulate for self preservation. Children are the canary in the coal mine usually. Much can be learned by listening to them and observing their behavior. Little Dougie is an enthusiast by nature and of course will emulate his absentee idolized father. Hope it does not get him into too much trouble later.

Interesting to see the after election video again. It is as obvious now on hindsight as it was on that night when the video gave a very clear picture of family conversations in that home and the sampling of people in Ford Nation was revealing.

In that video when you listen to naive enthusiastic little Dougie and foul mouth Steph you could clearly hear the influence of the adults in their world. After reading Towhey book the dysfunctional, child destroying atmosphere of their home is confirmed. Those poor children, assumably if the powers that be are generous they will grow up wealthy but not very likely mind healthy!

Seriously as harmless as young Mikey appears I cannot believe he came out of his home and family issues without some damage too and considering Dougs charm I am not sure who will be suitable to be next on the throne.

While I am very sorry for the fatherless children who no doubt loved their father dearly I now expect that the family will feel it neccessary politically to continue Rob's " legacy" and ride in on his glory trail to ensure the survival/rescue of his fan base and to keep the Ford dynasty/ego afloat.
Like if you didn't know better you'd think its the funeral for the founding father, not someone who smoked crack and acted in all manners of inappropriateness while slacking on the job - if he even bothered to show up at all.

Showing up on TV with flags for the funeral? And we're told those of us who are critical are disgusting and have no class? Seriously, love is hate, war is peace....

So I wonder what the bill will be for the Ford Family after all the costs of disrupting traffic, paid mourners, etc. is tallied by the City. I for one do not want as a taxpayer to pay for a FFN political rally.
I hate the idea of Ford handing out money as a sign of generosity. Personally I feel it's tacky and crass, and an effort to buy someone's affection. Maybe that's all he knew how to do.
I'm not 100% sure that he meant that the flag he had was meant for the funeral, he was showing it to LeDrew in the context of "look what one of Rob's many fans gave me". He didn't specifically say that the flags would be available for the funeral or anything like that. But I wouldn't be at all surprised if they make an appearance.
Okay, I'll call it: Messaging (think Trump and his "good old days" reminiscing, about when the cops would beat up protesters at political rallies))
I hate the idea of Ford handing out money as a sign of generosity. Personally I feel it's tacky and crass, and an effort to buy someone's affection. Maybe that's all he knew how to do.

We've run a lunch program at our school for decades. Part of that program ensures that kids who can't afford it still get a healthy hot lunch every day.

I have no idea who provides that money or which children get a free meal.

And there, in a nutshell, is the difference between Rob Ford and someone (or some group of people) who really care about the disadvantaged in this city.
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