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Hi... I'm a looooong time reader an occasional poster... my name was "kingwilson" before the move to vbulletin. I have linked to this specific thread numerous times through Reddit and am glad about the popularity it's been getting UT.

I am generally a lurker, but feel the urge to speak up this one time and urge people NOT to comment anymore on death wishes for the mayor. The problem we are facing is that there is not a proper legal recourse to remove the unfit from office. The man is obviously fucked. The Vice article today, especially, shows that he may be connected with something very serious. But this does not give us reign to wish death upon an obviously unhealthy and suffering individual. The comments a page or two ago and the YouTube video make me sick to my stomach. If you feel you will cheer if this man commits suicide live on air you need to take a step back and meditate on this whole situation... the problem is that the laws are structured so a psychologically ill individual cannot be removed from office. Despite his crimes -- and they may be more serious than simply imbibing in a certain drug -- he does NOT deserve to die.

Back to lurking.
Slowest "making the rounds" ever! Are we all on 56k modems again or something??

I coworker said his cousin was going to view the videos at a city councilor's house tonight. I've known him for years, he's a senior editor at a major website, and I've never known him to be anything but honest. He was taking to the lead editor about it, I don't see him making it up. Trust me, I'll be asking for details first thing tomorrow.

He's not allowed a copy, just to watch it with a select few. If it's true, it won't be long.
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But the paradox is I sincerely believe that MOST of the people who are furious at Ford (myself included) genuinely, totally sincerely, want him to get help.

On the other hand there is something sick about someone willing to let this man - this married father - do hard drugs and hang out with the shadiest people, so they can save a couple of hundred on their tax bill. I don't care about anyone's fiscal policy. I don't want anyone to die to save a few bucks for me and anyone who thinks Rob Ford should risk his life or die or, even more simply, put his family through this circus just so they can save $60 on a Vehicle Registration Tax and MAYBE, if they're lucky, 10% on the Land Transfer Tax is an irredeemable human being.


My feelings exactly.
Wormington's article is hilarious. It's basically an admission of his own supreme stupidity, but he seems to be too stupid to understand that he is admitting to being extremely stupid. The irony stacked on irony is delicious. Seriously, anyone who didn't believe this dude got caught smoking crack is simply unintelligent. There was overwhelming circumstantial evidence, and on top of it, there was Ford's press conference after Lisi extorted Siad to delete the video. Watching his "I cannot comment on a video I have not seen, or may not exist" press conference convinced me that the video was real. Seriously, it seemed like a confession to me, the way he was reacting. Like he relished the opportunity to gleefully lie to the public.
Wormington's article is hilarious. It's basically an admission of his own supreme stupidity, but he seems to be too stupid to understand that he is admitting to being extremely stupid. The irony stacked on irony is delicious. Seriously, anyone who didn't believe this dude got caught smoking crack is simply unintelligent. There was overwhelming circumstantial evidence, and on top of it, there was Ford's press conference after Lisi extorted Siad to delete the video. Watching his "I cannot comment on a video I have not seen, or may not exist" press conference convinced me that the video was real. Seriously, it seemed like a confession to me, the way he was reacting. Like he relished the opportunity to gleefully lie to the public.

It was his smug smile during that press conference that got to me. I knew then that he did something to make it disappear. I enjoy being proven right.
You ever heard of a one-time crack user with nothing to hide?

Especially a one-time crack user who for months and months denied being a crack user?

You ever heard of a crack user who tells the truth about crack usage or anything else?

Especially a crack user who for months and months denied being a crack user?

yeah, anyone who falls for the "this was the first time I smoked crack" line is an IDIOT. Seriously, it just so happens that the first and only time he tries to experiment, he happens to get caught on video by a bunch of crack dealers???? NFW. The only way this works is if the dealers know that he smokes crack, and that they know he is COMFORTABLE smoking in the Basso house, and that he will let his guard down while it happens. That means the dealers knew he would use if it was offered.

If I had to bet, I would bet that Ford uses crack whenever it is around, as often as he possibly can. But, I also bet that he doesn't have the opportunity to use it that often because due to his high profile/position it is would be hard to do it without drawing attention, so I suspect that he uses blow more frequently because it is much easier to be discreet about it.

His actions over the last week (particularly his inability to admit that he actually has a PROBLEM) have shown that he is in fact an addict. Most likely cross-addict as described earlier in the thread.
Craig Ferguson before commercial break: yes you're watching the show, but you're doing it in a drunken stupor
there's your tale of two cities right there. pretty much the perfect metaphor for the non-416 "toronto"

This attitude is as bad as Ford Nation. Hell this attitude perpetuates this unnecessary contempt between great communities.

People in Etobicoke have 416 numbers and Etobicoke has one of the best Sushi restaurants in Toronto

Where ever there is people there is over priced shitty restaurants. Trying to proclaim a bad review of a restaurant as a metaphor to describe an area as diverse and vast an area as "non-416 "toronto"" is just as ignorant as Rob Ford.

Hell the shitty restaurant is a 416. (Address: 1750 The Queensway, 416-622-6677,

Leave the meaningless 416 vs the world rhetoric inside your little empty egg shell.
Whether he "deserves" to die or not, I'm fatalistic, and realistic, about the whole situation--indeed, there's something about all this that's acting out like *the Fords' own* death wish. Almost like the Fords themselves would rather be taken down in a police shootout than quit--esp. now that mass consciousness of their own apparent criminality is ascending to record levels, to the point where knowing the jig is up might even juice up their own infantile cops-and-robbers fantasy. So, if they gotta go, let'em go down as badasses--such is their logic.

IOW, Rob & Doug in the end having less in common w/Harris & Harper than w/Harris & Klebold. (And in the unlikely event that it *does* play out that way, don't say I didn't warn you.)

Oh, and re the message-posting Ford Nation element: don't be surprised if a lot of them have been felled by their own crippling "issues". So, they're acting out because they feel the Fords "empower" them; almost like he's the one who'll save whatever little money they have left after they blew the rest on the slots at Woodbine...
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