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Based on that Fox clip, I'm guessing we're done with the "I'm so so so sincerely sincerely totally sorry," Rob Ford. He's just having so much fun.

When he repeats his talking points (only human, in the past etc.) around 2:30, I thought he was going to finish "yada, yada, yada," it was so insincere and rote.

At least he put the White Obama stuff to rest!
Apropros of nothing, even though this is the truth, in the government, we're still required to do the 7 pass thing or physical destruction. I guess they didn't get the memo.
Didn't this thread have this exact same conversation several hundred pages ago though?

Yeah, it bugs me that the 7-pass method is still used. The way someone explained it to me, "You don't have to convince us IT people that 1 pass is enough, you have to convince the 60 year old generals who are terrified of technology" The original Guttman method called for *35* passes.

Physical destruction is best if the drive mechanism itself doesn't work, since it is 'easy' to repair a broken hard drive if you have access to a clean room and an exact same model drive.

I don't know re: same conversation, after over 2000 pages I imagine certain things get repeated...
In the Fox interview, Ford is asked if he supports Obama, and emphatically says no. But Doug called him the "white Obama", didn't he?

Doug said that the papers up here were calling him the "white Obama" - this was in the CNN interview(s). He also said that Rob "loves Obama".

On another note, it really annoys me how some of you people talk with such conviction about things you obviously know nothing about.

Everyone in this forum is a legal expert, IT expert, architecture expert, drug addiction expert, etc. If they think it, it's true - anything else is bullshit and proof of everyone else's incompetence!
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UT has always had a large representation from this demographic. You see it in this thread where many with no legal expertise believed with strong conviction that Ford was going to jail. I think much of the "ignorant but sure" crowd can be attributed to the younger folks on UT, plus the man-childs in their 20s and 30s still living in their parents' house. Once you live a little, you begin to see that there is a difference between opinion, desire and fact.

Wow. Are you unable to see the irony of someone criticizing people writing about things they know nothing about, while proceeding to characterize them as man children living in their parents basement on the basis of zero evidence whatsoever? Oh wait, of course you are.
No. I'm a professional in the industry. After one complete wipe of the drive with zeros or random data, everything is completely unrecoverable. Ever since hard drive platters achieved densities leading to capacities of 15GB or more, NIST and even Guttman himself (who wrote the paper that recommended a 7-pass wipe, which is what the DoD uses) agree that using magnetic force microscopy to recover data is completely impossible. You only need to know how a hard drive works to understand why it is impossible. At those densities, the magnetic noise you pick up will be mostly caused by heat. If you could even cool the platter down to 0K, even if you had the most precise magnetic force microscope ever conceived, you still wouldn't be able to do it.

The only reason 'deleted' files are recoverable from hard drives is because they are never actually deleted. When you "empty your recycle bin/trash can" or shift-delete a file, all that does is remove the link to those sectors on the hard drive in the file system. The physical file is never actually overwritten or erased, it is only gone when that space is needed to store different data (e.g. when you write more to the drive).

On another note, it really annoys me how some of you people talk with such conviction about things you obviously know nothing about. No, most banks and insurance companies do not crush their hard drives though I'm sure some do, but they might degauss them and recycle them. A lot just do a wipe and then recycle them. The truth is, it costs more to pay employees to sit there and wipe drives than second-hand enterprise drives could ever be worth.

Kudos for writing this with far more eloquence than I would. I fear a lot of the belief about computers comes from TV and movies, and almost all of it is wrong in some manner. No, you can't "enhance" a low resolution image to suss out new information. No, computers don't make interface noises every time a window opens, a mouse is clicked or an image is zoomed (my gawd, that would drive me nuts), and No, mashing a keyboard at high speed and getting instantaneous results is not how people actually hack.
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Physical destruction is best if the drive mechanism itself doesn't work, since it is 'easy' to repair a broken hard drive if you have access to a clean room and an exact same model drive.

Taking sandpaper and a few neodymium fridge magnets to a platter will pretty much solve that problem. ;)
UT has always had a large representation from this demographic. You see it in this thread where many with no legal expertise believed with strong conviction that Ford was going to jail. I think much of the "ignorant but sure" crowd can be attributed to the younger folks on UT, plus the man-childs in their 20s and 30s still living in their parents' house. Once you live a little, you begin to see that there is a difference between opinion, desire and fact.

I think the case for the thread being dominated by man children living in their parent's basements is weak considering most who post on this site are critical of Ford.
I've heard rumblings shit is about to hit the fan again for Rub. And it will be shocking.

Next couple of days should be interesting
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