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To be honest, the alleged domestic assaults are far more of an issue than his drug use - but it is also one that is heavily stigmatized against the victim, particularly one that hasn't been the most open and cooperative about it. And to go beyond that - I have a feeling that his supporters could very well belong to a group that a) easily dismisses them as "just allegations", b) it is a "private" matter and c) she (or women in general) deserved it - vis-a-vis head of household BS.

I wonder about the diversity of some of his supporters, their appreciation for his hands on approach to politics and whether that is something that we need to learn from. I despise the Fords and am appalled he was ever voted in, but his approach of personal visits ( which I believe might not even be appropriate for a councillor , much less the mayor) should be analyzed further.

No doubt it is - but therein lies the problem - the mayor isn't someone who should be taking care of these minutiae, and doing so at the expense of policy work is at the end of the day, doing the city a disservice even though it is popular. It corrupts the expectation on the role of the chief magistrate and we are all poorer for it.

I have a feeling that his supporters could very well belong to a group that a) easily dismisses them as "just allegations", b) it is a "private" matter and c) she (or women in general) deserved in - vis-a-vis head of household BS.


I think this is exactly true. At this point anybody still belonging to Ford Nation will perform even the most extreme mental gymnastics to support "their guy" and nothing you or I or the media says will change this.

After the Lisi ITO information came out I heard a radio show on CBC radio and they were interviewing one of Rob's supporters. She was low income but from the way she talked you could tell she was reasonably educated. I'd never before heard/seen a media host push back so strongly at a (person on the street) supporter before as in this interview. She (the guest) mentioned that she felt Rob Ford had some personal problems but worked hard every day for the taxpayer! The host then said something along the lines of "How do you square that belief with the idea that we now know Rob was meeting drug dealers in parking lots exchanging packages and envelopes during the work day?". Her answer "I don't know that to be the case". There were other examples where she just flat out denied events that we know to be true.

Very simply if you've emotionally invested in Rob and hung on this long then you're willing to deny ANYTHING to make that worldview square with reality. Anybody still ardently supporting Rob Ford right now is NEVER changing their mind. I firmly believe that.
By all him let him go to the states - just don't admit him back to the country. Better yet, have him caught in the US doing drugs and put him to the tender mercies of their penal system.


If Rob Ford takes the same car used as his misadventures, the U.S. border people may want to search the entire vehicle looking for specks. Maybe do a search of Rob as well.

Unfortunately, he may have his car detailed, including vacuuming the tiny corners, before going.
Broken by whom? The media? This is mildly exciting. Mildly.

a feeling similar to that of a child expecting a PS4 for christmas… i just hope that when this "disgusting" christmas finally arrives, it is indeed a PS4 under the tree, and not a my little pony figurine set…
At this point Ford supporters are either willfully ignorant or intellectually ignorant. There was an interview a few months ago with a woman who lived in the Dixon rd apartments and the interviewer was asking if she believed Rob based on his history of lying. He brought up the ACC, the drunk driving in Florida and the joint that was found on him during the stop. Her reply? "I don't know about that. I'd have to see some proof.' She needed proof of two incidents he admitted to.
If Rob Ford takes the same car used as his misadventures, the U.S. border people may want to search the entire vehicle looking for specks. Maybe do a search of Rob as well.

Unfortunately, he may have his car detailed, including vacuuming the tiny corners, before going.

Any bets he drives a rental? Or takes a car service?
We all know Rob Ford buys drugs. But we don't know the frequency or quantity of his buys. To hear him tell it, he's used crack once, and marijuana in the distant past. Hard to take seriously, yes, but nobody has proof.

But if the police have Ford or Lisi on wire referring to substantial quantities of coke or crack, or a "weekly pickup" of Oxys, for example, that would change the game. "I'm not an addict" would be refuted. Ford Nation would not be able to dismiss it as a harmless, one-time binge. No apology would get him out of that.

That's the maximum potential of the un-redacted material, in my estimation.

I think you underestimate Ford Nation's ability to not give two hoots about any of this stuff. They rationalise it away as a personal flaw; it's irrelevant because Ford on drugs/buying drugs/lying/driving drunk/whatever is all on his own time. He is doing a great job as Mayor, sticking up for the little guy, speaking for us against all these tax & spend socialist chummy types on Council, keeping our taxes low.

Do not underestimate Ford Nation's powers of cognitive dissonance, for they are truly mighty.
At this point Ford supporters are either willfully ignorant or intellectually ignorant. There was an interview a few months ago with a woman who lived in the Dixon rd apartments and the interviewer was asking if she believed Rob based on his history of lying. He brought up the ACC, the drunk driving in Florida and the joint that was found on him during the stop. Her reply? "I don't know about that. I'd have to see some proof.' She needed proof of two incidents he admitted to.

I think that was the exact interview I was referring to in my earlier example. Listening to it took my breath away.
I think you underestimate Ford Nation's ability to not give two hoots about any of this stuff. They rationalise it away as a personal flaw; it's irrelevant because Ford on drugs/buying drugs/lying/driving drunk/whatever is all on his own time. He is doing a great job as Mayor, sticking up for the little guy, speaking for us against all these tax & spend socialist chummy types on Council, keeping our taxes low.

Do not underestimate Ford Nation's powers of cognitive dissonance, for they are truly mighty.

Don't forget... when all else fails just bring up the gas plants. "Even on crack he didn't waste a billion dollars like the lieberals!!".
At this point Ford supporters are either willfully ignorant or intellectually ignorant. There was an interview a few months ago with a woman who lived in the Dixon rd apartments and the interviewer was asking if she believed Rob based on his history of lying. He brought up the ACC, the drunk driving in Florida and the joint that was found on him during the stop. Her reply? "I don't know about that. I'd have to see some proof.' She needed proof of two incidents he admitted to.

The funniest thing is of course the level of evidence required is utterly asymmetrical - that the mere suggestion of wrongdoing on the part of others would by default construed as waste or corruption, without the need of a single shred of evidence. These individuals are hardcore ideologues and trying to convince them of anything is probably worse than converting someone's faith. I go right to the ad hominem with them - the problem is with them, less the one whom they support.

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