The Hell's Angels pic is (probably) easily explained: Fat Boy is such an insatiable attention whore that I daresay he'd willingly pose for pictures taken with the likes of Paul Bernardo, and not understand that it might be considered in questionable taste. He's none-too-bright, our Slob. Hasn't he posed for photos with white supremacists?
Now that said, when the Globe & Mail published their account of Brother Thug's checkered past in the drug trade, there was some speculation in the Gawker comment threads about possible ties between the Angels and Doug-o (as well as any other Ford siblings who were involved with Thug's l'il teenaged criminal doings). It was all utter speculation, and I'm no expert so I can't comment as to its veracity, but the thinking was along these lines: The shenanigans Doug was involved with back then were more significant than just being a case of a couple of punk kids peddling a few reefers to their high school buddies; quite the contrary, it was genuinely a professionally run criminal enterprise, with actual villains involved. It was the drug trade, and Hell's Angels - supposedly - are very heavily involved in Toronto's drug scene. So the logic went. The Gawker commenters speculating on this wondered if it might not be worth anyone's while to look into possile links between Dougie and the Hell's Angels organization.
Like I said, I'm no expert, so I can't comment as to any accuracy to this guesswork, but I thought it was interesting enough to repeat here. Seeing that the topic has reared its head once more.