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The police have something on Ford. Details when I have them.

We'll know a lot more about where this is headed by Tuesday.

MetroMan had said weeks ago that the police now have something on Ford. Could that something be evidence that he asked former Don Bosco players to beat up Scott MacIntyre?


It's fun to pretend we're all Dr. Phil and diagnose whatever is "psychologically wrong" with him but clearly there's some narcissism and an addictive personality. I think the rest of it - the lying, the hyperbole, the inability to grasp facts or understand what he did wrong etc. - isn't so much a disorder as a low IQ put under the spotlight. I'm suspect the man wouldn't even cross into triple digits. In Alien3 (everyone remembers Alien3, right?) there's a guy called "85" because everyone found what his IQ was and they call him that to mock it. I suspect calling Ford "85" (give or take) or so wouldn't be totally off-base.

Is "85" the new euphemism that makes it acceptably fashionable and hip for the WQW crowd to mock and hate on victims? It speaks huge volumes about the man—despite his imperfections, despite the heaps of scorn and ridicule he receives about his weight—that he's stood tall, battled back and marched on like a good solider to overcome, lead and succeed.

Here's a human being who has learned to rise above hate; Potshots from each and every Doug, Dick, and Harry armchair critic on UT be damned. Fortunately he doesn't answer to UT. He understands his duties and responsibilities and that's answering to the taxpayers. To that end he accomplishes more for the taxpayers with one bottle than all of the UT hipsters could ever dream of in a lifetime of living in subsidized housing.

Which brings me to a point raised by another astute member.

It seems that each time the cry of wolf goes out (followed by the predictable disappointed faces) there's a cabal of bigots that come out from the shadows to make allegations of vile and deviant behaviour.

This is the 21st century; Normal men are allowed to be friends with other normal men. To suggest otherwise—and I don't want to use the s and m-words lightly but—reeks of sexism and misandry. Intolerance of opposing viewpoints and lifestyles is a common UT trope but this was a new low even for this place. It's a blatant double standard. I guarantee if Dave Souvlaki were the mayor you would never have anyone here accusing him of taking hand jobs from his friend Magic Mike. Bunch of hypocrites.

Have you heard these words before?

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

That rule is from the only book Rob Ford lives by; No one takes it to heart more than he does. It's what drives him to provide the best customer service for the taxpayers. It's why he always takes the high road. That's why the silent majority supported him in 2010, why they support him now, and why they will support him again on October 27, 2014.

He's going to keep moving forward to build an inclusive Toronto for each and every taxpayer and leave the dirt to the trolls that get off on persecuting others over personal and political beliefs. You can disagree with his beliefs and lifestyle but the vicious name-calling and ad hominem attacks are uncalled for. No one can agree all the time—that is why we have debates—but there needs to be decorum.

Show some decency and respect instead of trying to run him out of town like you're doing (again) with Gehry. These men try to inspire Toronto and in return they are subjected to bohemian witch hunts and threatened with public lynchings.

If these men are forced to walk the Trail of Tears—like so many great Canadians before them—to find a place where their talents are recognized and appreciated, you can kiss goodbye to the dreams of being world class. It will be Toronto's loss.
From the Statement of Claim:

Liability of Ford, Aboodowleh, and Petros

55. Ford, Aboodowleh, and Petros conspired among themselves and with others whose identity is known to them but not known to the plaintiff, to arrange for the attack on the plaintiff and to cause him serious harm. In particular, Aboodowleh, acting as Ford's agent and with Ford's explicit or tacit approval, contacted Petros and Williams and instructed them to send a message to the plaintiff, first in the form of threats of physical harm, and then in the form of a brutal assault and battery of the plaintiff.

56. Ford and Aboodowleh arranged for persons employed by MWDC, whose identity is known to Ford and Aboodowleh but not known to the plaintiff, to facilitate the exposure of the plaintiff to Petros, and to facilitate the attack on the plaintiff on March 23, 2012, and more particularly, to arrange for the plaintiff’s detention in range 1B, and to ensure that there was no supervision or surveillance of the area where the plaintiff was assaulted.

57. Petros agreed to and ultimately did carry out the instructions of Ford and Aboodowleh, or in the alternative arranged for others to do so.

58. The various matters set out in paragraphs 55 to 57 above and elsewhere in this statement of claim were the subject of communications between the defendants during visits by Ford and Aboodowleh (or either of these) to MWDC, and on calls and messages sent and received by the defendants on their mobile telephones.

59. Ford and Aboodowleh knew that the plaintiff would suffer physical harm as a result of their actions, which included instructing Petros to send a message to the plaintiff that he should not expose Ford's illicit drug use or his association with criminals.

60. As a result of the conduct of the defendants, or the conduct of those for whom the defendants are liable, as set out above, the plaintiff has suffered damages as set out above.

61. The conduct of the defendants, or those for whom they are vicariously liable, is sufficiently reprehensible, oppressive and high-handed so as to justify the court's denunciation with an award of exemplary damages, and further justifies penal damages.

Maybe this is the "ongoing investigation"?

Is "85" the new euphemism that makes it acceptably fashionable and hip for the WQW crowd to mock and hate on victims? It speaks huge volumes about the man—despite his imperfections, despite the heaps of scorn and ridicule he receives about his weight—that he's stood tall, battled back and marched on like a good solider to overcome, lead and succeed.

Here's a human being who has learned to rise above hate; Potshots from each and every Doug, Dick, and Harry armchair critic on UT be damned. Fortunately he doesn't answer to UT. He understands his duties and responsibilities and that's answering to the taxpayers. To that end he accomplishes more for the taxpayers with one bottle than all of the UT hipsters could ever dream of in a lifetime of living in subsidized housing.

Which brings me to a point raised by another astute member.

It seems that each time the cry of wolf goes out (followed by the predictable disappointed faces) there's a cabal of bigots that come out from the shadows to make allegations of vile and deviant behaviour.

This is the 21st century; Normal men are allowed to be friends with other normal men. To suggest otherwise—and I don't want to use the s and m-words lightly but—reeks of sexism and misandry. Intolerance of opposing viewpoints and lifestyles is a common UT trope but this was a new low even for this place. It's a blatant double standard. I guarantee if Dave Souvlaki were the mayor you would never have anyone here accusing him of taking hand jobs from his friend Magic Mike. Bunch of hypocrites.

Have you heard these words before?

That rule is from the only book Rob Ford lives by; No one takes it to heart more than he does. It's what drives him to provide the best customer service for the taxpayers. It's why he always takes the high road. That's why the silent majority supported him in 2010, why they support him now, and why they will support him again on October 27, 2014.

He's going to keep moving forward to build an inclusive Toronto for each and every taxpayer and leave the dirt to the trolls that get off on persecuting others over personal and political beliefs. You can disagree with his beliefs and lifestyle but the vicious name-calling and ad hominem attacks are uncalled for. No one can agree all the time—that is why we have debates—but there needs to be decorum.

Show some decency and respect instead of trying to run him out of town like you're doing (again) with Gehry. These men try to inspire Toronto and in return they are subjected to bohemian witch hunts and threatened with public lynchings.

If these men are forced to walk the Trail of Tears—like so many great Canadians before them—to find a place where their talents are recognized and appreciated, you can kiss goodbye to the dreams of being world class. It will be Toronto's loss.

Are you the guy that used to do the satirical pro-Ford posts or was that someone else? If it's someone else, I miss that guy. His were funnier than yours.
Anyone read Confederacy of Dunces? This is just Fortuna on a downward spin. Nobody understands Ignatius Ford's worldview!
Are you the guy that used to do the satirical pro-Ford posts or was that someone else? If it's someone else, I miss that guy. His were funnier than yours.

"No one takes it to heart more than he does. It's what drives him to provide the best customer service for the taxpayers. It's why he always takes the high road"

Be fair, some of it was funny.:D
I'm not sure I buy that Ford's rant video was recorded at Payman's home. The interior we see in those scenes doesn't exactly match the profile of the guy or the two properties he's been known to inhabit. It actually looks more like Ford's house, especially with the big (front-facing?) window and the dining room table setting. It's not, but you can see similar appointments at his house and in similar properties from that era.

There are photos here of what may be Payman's home in his Facebook gallery which look more in line with a former jock who's curerently under or unemployed.

Other parts of the allegation are likely true, but this one part smells pretty funny to me.
Murder rant video: Before March 19, 2012 - according to Scott MacIntyre
Beating: March 22, 2012
Ford's visit to Metro West: March 25, *2013*

I'm not buying this. Let's remember the source of the claim is not exactly reliable either.

If the murder rant video is about Scott MacIntyre, then the off camera comment "These kids are pros buddy" does not make sense.

Also, in the video, the off camera voice says "After you win the by-election...". That would place it around the time of the conflict of interest decision that was supposed to boot Ford from office - between November 2012 and January 2013. Too late to be about a beating in March 2012.

This doesn't mean that the beating wasn't to protect Ford, but I don't see a smoking gun.

The above "murderous rant" video is about Ford acting tough prior to negotiating a drug deal.

That is why unidentified voice said "these, kids are pros". They are tough negotiators.

That is why Dennis Morris stated today that Ford wasn't talking about murdering someone in said video.
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These men try to inspire Toronto and in return they are subjected to bohemian witch hunts and threatened with public lynchings.

If these men are forced to walk the Trail of Tears—like so many great Canadians before them—to find a place where their talents are recognized and appreciated, you can kiss goodbye to the dreams of being world class. It will be Toronto's loss.

These words cut through bone. They are obviously both heartfelt and deeply held. The sad and lonely image of Mr. Gehry and Mr. Ford on that 'Trail of Tears' - It's like a greasy, yellow brick road with bad signage where nobody gets anything or, worse, things they resolutely didn't wan't - has me rethinking everything I once thought was true. So, reluctantly...

FORD MORE YEARS! (Whew! Feeling way better now.) Bring on Fordtober!
These words cut through bone. They are obviously both heartfelt and deeply held. The sad and lonely image of Mr. Gehry and Mr. Ford on that 'Trail of Tears' - It's like a greasy, yellow brick road with bad signage where nobody gets anything or, worse, things they resolutely didn't wan't - has me rethinking everything I once thought was true. So, reluctantly...

FORD MORE YEARS! (Whew! Feeling way better now.) Bring on Fordtober!

You're right, I'm converted now too.
Murder rant video: Before March 19, 2012 - according to Scott MacIntyre
Beating: March 22, 2012
Ford's visit to Metro West: March 25, *2013*

I'm not buying this. Let's remember the source of the claim is not exactly reliable either.

If the murder rant video is about Scott MacIntyre, then the off camera comment "These kids are pros buddy" does not make sense.

Also, in the video, the off camera voice says "After you win the by-election...". That would place it around the time of the conflict of interest decision that was supposed to boot Ford from office - between November 2012 and January 2013. Too late to be about a beating in March 2012.

This doesn't mean that the beating wasn't to protect Ford, but I don't see a smoking gun.

What about the federal by-election that occurred on March 19, 2012 in the riding of Toronto-Danforth, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Jack Layton?
What about the federal by-election that occurred on March 19, 2012 in the riding of Toronto-Danforth, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Jack Layton?

Oh boy...this just gets better and better. Ford plans a beatdown around the replacement of the departed Jack Layton,.....
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