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Is "85" the new euphemism that makes it acceptably fashionable and hip for the WQW crowd to mock and hate on victims? It speaks huge volumes about the man—despite his imperfections, despite the heaps of scorn and ridicule he receives about his weight—that he's stood tall, battled back and marched on like a good solider to overcome, lead and succeed.

Here's a human being who has learned to rise above hate; Potshots from each and every Doug, Dick, and Harry armchair critic on UT be damned. Fortunately he doesn't answer to UT. He understands his duties and responsibilities and that's answering to the taxpayers. To that end he accomplishes more for the taxpayers with one bottle than all of the UT hipsters could ever dream of in a lifetime of living in subsidized housing.

Which brings me to a point raised by another astute member.

It seems that each time the cry of wolf goes out (followed by the predictable disappointed faces) there's a cabal of bigots that come out from the shadows to make allegations of vile and deviant behaviour.

This is the 21st century; Normal men are allowed to be friends with other normal men. To suggest otherwise—and I don't want to use the s and m-words lightly but—reeks of sexism and misandry. Intolerance of opposing viewpoints and lifestyles is a common UT trope but this was a new low even for this place. It's a blatant double standard. I guarantee if Dave Souvlaki were the mayor you would never have anyone here accusing him of taking hand jobs from his friend Magic Mike. Bunch of hypocrites.

Have you heard these words before?

That rule is from the only book Rob Ford lives by; No one takes it to heart more than he does. It's what drives him to provide the best customer service for the taxpayers. It's why he always takes the high road. That's why the silent majority supported him in 2010, why they support him now, and why they will support him again on October 27, 2014.

He's going to keep moving forward to build an inclusive Toronto for each and every taxpayer and leave the dirt to the trolls that get off on persecuting others over personal and political beliefs. You can disagree with his beliefs and lifestyle but the vicious name-calling and ad hominem attacks are uncalled for. No one can agree all the time—that is why we have debates—but there needs to be decorum.

Show some decency and respect instead of trying to run him out of town like you're doing (again) with Gehry. These men try to inspire Toronto and in return they are subjected to bohemian witch hunts and threatened with public lynchings.

If these men are forced to walk the Trail of Tears—like so many great Canadians before them—to find a place where their talents are recognized and appreciated, you can kiss goodbye to the dreams of being world class. It will be Toronto's loss.

Been saving that up for a while, huh?

Thanks for, once again, bringing some coherence and clarity to the act of mass cognitive dissonance that is the Nayshun.
Re "byelection": wasn't Ford hoping for a municipal one through Augimeri's bare victory over Cusimano being declared null and void, or something?
According to urban dictionary, a "bird" is an individual who is stupid, foolish, careless, idiotic, moronic, retarded, or just plain dumb. I suppose that's what he meant when he said "don't tell me we're liars, thieves. Birds". Makes more sense, but, of course, a Don Bosco reference is more intriguing :)

I work with youth of whom a few have some connections to Toronto's gang life, and have heard the term thrown around from time to time when discussing individuals of little consequence.
Macintyre wants money. He doesn't get money from charges. Also appears police investigated and decided not to pursue charges. Standard of proof is lower in a civil suit -- balance of probabilities vs. no reasonable doubt. Obvious example: O.J. getting acquitted but also losing civil suit.

I think you're right. I can't see any reason why MacIntyre would want to give a statement to the police. There's nothing in it for him, unlike a potential civil settlement. I do wonder, though, if McIntyre's suit has given the cops new context about the rant video. If what he says is true, and he's willing to give a sworn statement, that could be evidence in a criminal case. The problem for the police/Crown is corroborating the statement. I can't imagine anyone involved a plot to beat McIntyre would want to tell the police about it, short of trying to cut some kind of deal. I'd say that's a long shot.
Why did someone make that video in the first place? And then sold it to the Star for $5000....Ford has to know who that was.

Edit: I just remembered that it was a recording of the video from a computer monitor.
Don Bosco Eagles are also known as "dirty birds"? If so, that's pretty significant considering Ford says "birds" in the murder rant video. Can you provide us with a link to this?

I found this from November 2012 -;wap2

"I saw Rob Ford at the Northern vs Tech game and you could just see it in his eyes...he knows his "dirty birds" from etobicoke don't have the discipline or playbook to compete with NSS..."


"This Thursday we will see what happens when a dirty bird runs in to a Big Red Machine....Lights out Bosco"
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