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Unless I've got the timeline wrong, the story is probably referring to a statement of defense, either by Ford or one of the other respondents in the action. I wouldn't read to much into it.

but wasn't there a (i believe) sun article that stated the law suit was dropped, but then later the same day, that part of the sentence was removed? i think the sun article was more recent than the israel national news one, but i wonder if it's based on the same source.

so can we somehow verify if this is true?

One development has gone in Ford's favor however: an official document has negated the complaint filed by his former brother-in-law Scott MacIntyre, claiming Ford ordered him to be beaten while he was under arrest. MacIntyre had sued for $1.5 million in damages.

Investigations revealed MacIntyre was injured during a skirmish with another prisoner; the fight stemmed from both men wanting to read a newspaper first.
And let us not forget the Fords have a history of accusing people they regard as enemies of doing things they did not do, the attempted revenge smearing of Daniel Dale being the most notorious example. There was also that lady they claimed assaulted Fatso with a soda bottle, a claim that was later proved to be entirely without basis. This is demonstrable, they have a pattern of using this specific tactic against people they want to hurt. And given Stintz' unwillingness to actually hit back at them when attacked, Thug probably sensed a soft, easy target here. What he's hoping to accomplish is anyone's guess, but the fact that he's simply lying through his teeth can be pretty much assumed, I'd say.

Edited to add: Oh, fer Chrissakes, I just clicked on the CTV link provided above, and for all that Dofo's political 'savvy' is mostly hype and self-serving mythologizing, his natural instincts as a bullying thug were on the nose in this case. Stintz, useless, politically tone deaf dolt that she is, has no intention of fighting back here; no, she's going to take "the high road," and let Thug steamroll right over her. I hope she gets her head handed to her in the upcoming election.

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And let us not forget the Fords have a history of accusing people they regard as enemies of doing things they did not do, the attempted revenge smearing of Daniel Dale being the most notorious example. There was also that lady they claimed assaulted Fatso with a soda bottle, a claim that was later proved to be entirely without basis. This is demonstrable, they have a pattern of using this specific tactic against people they want to hurt. And given Stintz' unwillingness to actually hit back at them when attacked, Thug probably sensed a soft, easy target here. What he's hoping to accomplish is anyone's guess, but the fact that he's simply lying through his teeth can be pretty much assumed, I'd say.

Edited to add: Oh, fer Chrissakes, I just clicked on the CTV link provided above, and for all that Dofo's political 'savvy' is mostly hype and self-serving mythologizing, his natural instincts as a bullying thug were on the nose in this case. Stintz, useless, politically tone deaf dolt that she is, has no intention of fighting back here; no, she's going to take "the high road," and let Thug steamroll right over her. I hope she gets her head handed to her in the upcoming election.

I apologize if this article was already posted, but it seemed very fitting here, because even if Rob has actually managed to change on some level (of course I doubt it), his brother hasn't. Which won't help Rob's so-called road to recovery:

Does Ford grasp that he will have to change the people he hangs out with, the places he frequents, the things he does? Recovery usually requires a wholesale reordering of one’s life. There can be no more Sandro Lisi, no more visits to his sister’s rec room if she’s using. Does he recognize that his family of origin — his brother Doug, his mother — did him no favours with their denial of his problems? Does he realize the Etobicoke neighbourhood he grew up in and never really left is practically a theme park to his appalling behaviour? Can he face life keeping a distance from unhealthy kin or possibly moving to a new part of town?

The addict has two means of relating to the world. Blame and rationalization. Nothing is ever our fault. It is always the spouse, the job, bad luck, the weather. We never developed the ability to recognize our own role in things or take responsibility for our actions.

Does the mayor seem willing to own up to his actions, the pain he’s inflicted on those who love him, the damage he’s done the city? Has he stopped blaming others or circumstances for his own conduct? Is he willing to work at building new relationships and muster the honesty they require? Finding a way to relate comfortably — free of chemicals — with the world and the people in it is what the trip of recovery is about once the drink or drug is gone.

If the addict/alcoholic has a mantra, it is basically this: Give me! Poor me! Why me! You can’t make me! Listen carefully for the tone of everything the mayor says. When the motivating emotions of selfishness, self-pity, defiance are discernible, he is on the road to trouble.

Addiction is a complex disease/affliction/condition. Coming to terms with it usually means gaining a more nuanced appreciation of life and people. As we see how democratic addiction is, there tends to be less inclination to judge and denounce. It will be a bad sign if the mayor promptly reverts to his combative bumper-sticker bromides, if he resumes dividing the world up into friends and enemies, if he continues to suggest life and its choices are clear and simple.
The kiss of death on Ford’s earlier stabs at sobriety was his easy absolutism. When he went on the TV circuit and totally, absolutely, 100-per-cent guaranteed by virtue of his “come-to-Jesus moment” that his lips would never again touch alcohol, nor would he use drugs, it was a certainty his using days were not over.

Most recovering addicts have a healthy fear of using again. They know that complacency — much less cocksure certainty — could be their downfall. Listen carefully for signs the mayor understands there are few guarantees of success in life, least of all along the path he now walks.
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Mmmmm, Lefse *salivates*

Sorry friend. You have to go to Minnesota. Or that Lefse-fest in, I kid you not, Fargo. In Toronto, Leif Kravis at Karelia might possibly do you a solid though.
Mmmmm, Lefse *salivates*

Sorry friend. You have to go to Minnesota. Or that Lefse-fest in, I kid you not, Fargo. In Toronto, Leif Kravis at Karelia might possibly do you a solid though.

I'm back home in Fargo end of July. PM me if you want me to bring you back some from Freddy's!
I wrote to the councillors on the Executive Committee at one time requesting they take action against Ford. I now regularly get constituency updates from most of them. During the provincial election, I got emails from all of the party leaders although I don't remember signing up for any of them. There's obviously a lot of freedom in terms of how they populate their lists.b:rolleyes:

As of July 1, it is not legal to receive unsolicited email from ANYONE.

Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL), which comes into force on July 1, 2014, and requires organizations, including politicians, to obtain consent in order to send electronic communications.
These droogs are forever playing the press. And too many members of the 'Stalwart Fourth' lap it up like good little hamsters. It's far past time that the press ought to give them some of their own hooch. Ignoring them is no answer. Mock them. Mock these goons. Openly. Relentlessly. Mock them. The way the Fords mock the press, along with the citizenry, the process. council, Rehab, etc. Try it. At least try it. See what happens when their own, open disdain for fair play is thrown back in their smug fusking faces.

D. Ford knows he can get friendlies to play his spin. And those that won't, he won't deign indulge. So throw the spin back at him. Mock him. These goons have no truck with civility much less truth, so give back as good as they give. Make their 'press freshness' stink like lutefisk.
I agree. Even the CBC goes along with Doug and reports what he says.
Why is there no followup or further questioning about his War On Autistic Teenagers.
I don't understand why the media has decided to give him a pass on that and just forget it about. He accused them of being criminals, and lowering property values, and then gets to walk away from it without consequence. He's a councilor and they live in his ward! "Doug did you go and talk to the kids?" would be the first thing to ask.
But no, nothing.
It will be really interesting to see how many people show up. When he had his other fests there were a lot of people, he isn't exactly loved anymore.

Free seems to be nice, unless you have to fill out a form with your mailing address, telephone, and/or e-mail. Wonder how many "John Smith"s will attend?
wait... so is doug saying that while rob's in "rehab", someone went into rob's office are stole info off of rob's computer? that ctvnews video specifically says, from ford's computer.

with the "locks" having been changed, how would someone be able to do that?

and i guess they knew rob's password?
It will be really interesting to see how many people show up. When he had his other fests there were a lot of people, he isn't exactly loved anymore.

It would *almost* be worth going, just to buy Rob a beer. I understand the free burgers were worth the money at the last one, too.
I'm not so sure that they can give away free alcohol at a campaign event, can they? And then does the entire cost of the event factor into the campaign costs? Muzik absolutely can not supply it this time. They're lobbyists and can't contribute to campaigns. Lots of questions that the media should be answering, and yet.........

Per the contact list: it's Doug we're talking about, whatever he said happened, didn't. But I still haven't found a quote that specifically calls it a "supporter" list. Aside from Doug's involvement, is there anything else that states they were using it to campaign?
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