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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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It seems like Tory is still playing the frontrunner while Doug and Chow are on the attack. I wonder if internals show Tory with a bigger lead than the last Forum showed.
My heart bleeds for him.

^^^ This.

Not sure your intended meaning YPQ but I forgot about this until you just said it. Every time RoFo was saying "my heart bleeds" for this or that, it irked me so very much. Growing up, that was a sarcastic saying, meaning the opposite and that you did not care for whatever you were making that comment at. I know that the meaning could go either way but it was just so irritating to hear over and over, and about serious issues and events. Did anyone else hear it the way I did?
What the hell? This is the bombshell endorsement that Graeme thought was so clever? Figures.

Hey Doug, if endorsements don't matter and the only endorsement you need is from voters, what's the point of claiming Tory endorsed you ... in 2010, when you weren't running for mayor? Do you think he endorses you now? No? Then STFU.

I hope Tory goes with: "Mea culpa, FOLKS! I made a mistake in 2010. I endorsed Doug Ford for councillor based on his seemingly positive business experience. Since then, he's failed to show up for his ward and for important issues to the city at large (terrible attendance/vote record; insert stats, etc), been sued for slander by the chief of police, is being sued for bad business practices, and failed to notice that his own brother was in desperate need of addiction treatment. Around this time last year, he was telling his alcoholic little brother 'Curb the drinking, not out in public, you can stay in your basement, have a few pops.' while denying to anyone who would listen that he'd ever seen his brother abuse alcohol or drugs."


Unless it's been changed, it's 3 days of chemo and then an 18 day break. He must be having horrible side effects to be kept in hospital over a week. He probably has an enlarged liver from all the booze and it's making it much more difficult for his liver to process all the chemo being thrown at it. He's screwed,

"Ford is expected to start to undergo three days of chemotherapy in hospital in the next 48 hours. After 18 days, the chemotherapy cycle will be repeated and doctors will assess the response and next steps."

Maybe I misread something. It really is telling that even Wormington isn't milking the cancer angle right now.
I suspect Ford is hospitalized longer than most chemo patients due to co-morbidity factors ... Certainly his obesity and quite likely some ongoing addiction issues.

I would also imagine, because of who he is, “Don’t you fucking know? I’m Rob fucking Ford, the mayor of this city!†they might not put a lot of pressure on him to check out sooner than he may wish to do so.
I'd suggest there is at least one of an Ekos, Ipsos or Nanos poll due out before Forum comes up for air again (probably around Thursday this week)
That is unless Global is keeping the Ipsos poll (re mayoral percentages) they were spouting from last week under wraps.....
It seems like Warren Kinsella is so bitter about everything that's happened this election that he actually wants Doug to beat Tory. Who would've predicted this a year or two ago when he used to criticize the Ford's daily and refer to himself as a John Tory guy?
I hope Tory goes with: "Mea culpa, FOLKS! I made a mistake in 2010. I endorsed Doug Ford for councillor based on his seemingly positive business experience. Since then, he's failed to show up for his ward and for important issues to the city at large (terrible attendance/vote record; insert stats, etc), been sued for slander by the chief of police, is being sued for bad business practices, and failed to notice that his own brother was in desperate need of addiction treatment. Around this time last year, he was telling his alcoholic little brother 'Curb the drinking, not out in public, you can stay in your basement, have a few pops.' while denying to anyone who would listen that he'd ever seen his brother abuse alcohol or drugs."



In addition to the above, that endorsement was made three years before this story was published. ( Still waiting for the lawsuit. )

Globe investigation: The Ford family’s history with drug dealing

I wish JT would mention that.
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It seems like Warren Kinsella is so bitter about everything that's happened this election that he actually wants Doug to beat Tory. Who would've predicted this a year or two ago when he used to criticize the Ford's daily and refer to himself as a John Tory guy?

Interesting how everyone only gravitate to the Fords after they have f*cked up in a way they should never have. Misery loves company.

No, it sounds like he's facing the worst case scenario for someone with his type of cancer. I haven't been able to find any survivor stories online for advanced pleomorphic liposarcoma. Has anyone else? The one person I found posting about it died three years later.

I looked around and didn't find much optimistic news, either. The most detailed report I saw tracked a dozen or so people with the diagnosis. The only difference seemed to be how long they lived after diagnosis and treatment. For some it was months, for others a few years. Rob's prospects don't look good, if I understood the reports correctly.
You mean Kim Jong-un, right? Kim Jong-il was his father. Granted, it's hard to keep track of which Kim did what, although the demise of each one so far was preceded by unexplained absences. Same as with leaders of the Soviet Union who were not seen for months on end and then suddenly turned out to have died a while ago.

You are correct, lemur. Apologies. It was late and I'd just gotten off a longish flight after an event-filled weekend.
By the way, I read this paragraph in story about Kim Il Jong in the Star today. Change a few nouns and it's sound very familiar.

"This bewildering ability to command attention by doing nothing says a lot about the North’s propaganda focus on Kim as the centre of everything. Remove for 40 days the sun around which that propaganda spins and the international media, both traditional and social, exploded with curiosity."

Speaking of exploding with curiosity, it appears Rob Ford's second round of chemo has been anything but.

It's all proven far less newsworthy than the first round. Apart from the inevitable fawning appearance of Joey Worms in 20's gangster drag, we haven't heard a peep from the media. Ford is actually being ignored for the first time since May 2013.

Is he still in hospital?? Is he back at home?? How is he feeling?? Is he starting to feel the world has forgotten him??

Who knows! Who cares! This is fucking bliss!!!
I looked around and didn't find much optimistic news, either. The most detailed report I saw tracked a dozen or so people with the diagnosis. The only difference seemed to be how long they lived after diagnosis and treatment. For some it was months, for others a few years. Rob's prospects don't look good, if I understood the reports correctly.

Would it be in poor taste if I hoped Rob at least lasts long enough to testify at Lisi's trial?
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