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Not sure where got that number from...

Gee, I thought he became a councillor about for years ago... has 6.25 become the new multiplier?

Working for Daddy in politics.

And that would be briefly 21 years ago, and that was in partisan Provincial politics. Hardly experience in municipal politics.
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The United Church was formed from four denominations of Protestants in 1925 (Presbyterian, Methodist, Congregational, Union). If you are referring to their stance on Israel/Palestine that was only in the last decade or so. If you wanted to join the most antisemitic church at the time, it would be Orthodox.

Exactly. Genteel WASPy anti-Semitism vs. pogrom-endorsing Orthodox Church.

Louis Rosenberg in his book Canada's Jews (around p. 112), has very detailed statistics of the Jewish population based on the 1931 census and he has figures on conversions. It's actually a pioneering work in Canadian demography.

Of a Jewish origin population of 156,726, a whopping 1,256 had converted to Christianity. 418 had converted to Christianity in Ontario, of whom 291 became Protestant (including 95 Anglican and 56 United Church), 74 Roman Catholic and 16 - yes, sixteen - converted to the Orthodox Church. In Toronto at the time, of 45,366 ethnic Jews, 165 were Christian. So this idea that "lots of people" - a community overwhelmingly made up of Eastern European Jewish immigrants - converted to avoid anti-Semitism at that time is just nonsense.

I can assure DarnDirtyApe that very, very few "actual Jewish people" support Ford and most of them don't like being lied to in a pathetic attempt to deflect oneself from the charge of anti-Semitism.
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Jonathan Goldsbie @goldsbie
Is this election for or against something? Fortino shouts: "Hopefully it's pro-life! That'll be the deciding factor!" She finally leaves.

Iola Fortino!
Assuming you live in/around the Market, you remind me of a guy I know (sorry if you're not male) who, though not super-observant, would often be called upon to fill the Minyan at Minsker (The Rabbi, Herschel(?), needed people more than once, sadly) merely because of proximity and his enduring ties to the roots.

That wouldn't be me. Jewish atheist here.
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