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Why exactly are people trying to dictate the end of this thread? There's still more story to come, lisi's trial for one. The effects of Rob Ford as mayor are still ongoing, even if he won't be wearing the ceremonial chain of office.

How about "Mayor Rob Ford's Toronto: The Hangover."
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Why exactly are people trying to dictate the end of this thread? There's still more story to come, lisi's trial for one. The effects of Rob Ford as mayor are still ongoing, even if he won't be wearing the ceremonial chain of office.

Agree wholeheartedly, although at the end of November the 'Mayor' should be dropped from the thread name, don't you think?
@MetroManTO 55 minutes ago
This guy just got elected SCHOOL BOARD trustee... #grammar


Agree wholeheartedly, although at the end of November the 'Mayor' should be dropped from the thread name, don't you think?

he will always be a mayor, like the former presidents of the United States are perpetually "Mr. President".
Anyways, nothing to be learned by trying to sanitize the past. We must bear this scar of shame as part of our city's history.
he will always be a mayor, like the former presidents of the United States are perpetually "Mr. President".
Anyways, nothing to be learned by trying to sanitize the past. We must bear this scar of shame as part of our city's history.

Kat, I know that is true for the Presidents ( perhaps because they retire from politics to write their memoirs after leaving the White House. ) But, is it the same protocol for a former Toronto mayor who decides to run for a council job?

I see David Miller from time to time and always address him as "Mr. Mayor" as a mark of respect because I feel he deserves it.

Rob is only a MINO anyway.
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I voted for Chow but I'm satisfied with Tory being mayor. Ford Nation is really a disrespectful bunch. No booing whatsoever from us Chow supporters.

None were booing when Tory noted Chow or Ford either.

Serious question: Is Michael Ford high-functioning autistic?
That's the first time we've seen him speak. My wife works with autistic kids and we both looked at each other in wonder - both thinking the same thing.
Apparently Mikey gave his first interview tonight. Did anyone hear it?
^ Has the sound on this been "doctored"?

We said the exact same thing, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Not joking.
No, the audio has not been doctored. Remember, this is Kathy's son - speaking of which... where was she tonight? When my roommate got home I rewound the interview on the PVR so he could hear Mikey's interview - his jaw was on the floor. Now do we get why they hid him away?

I thought Andray was going to be a close second, I really did. I'm really discouraged. I can barely imagine how you feel. :(

I honestly thought he had a chance at possibly beating Rob. Stupid me.

Do you speak of that Judism that Karla Ford's family once practiced? Is that where we should now place our faith?

It's Jew'd-ism.
I almost cried reading this... and then I started laughing:

I Hate The War on Mayor Rob Ford

3 hours ago · Edited

POSTMORTEM: Well, here we are, not a good night but what can we say. Hate Ford Nation got their pound of flesh. John Liberal finally figured out how to win: have your opponent get cancer, switch parties without admitting it, have your best buddy buy the one newspaper that normally would have remained skeptical, hire off every political operative in town, make deals with all the incumbent council campaigners for GOTV, and present a platform that no one can run against because there's nothing there. So there you have it: all that and J-Lib still got 7% less of the popular vote than Rob Ford did in 2010.

As we were hopeful and even, at times, optimistic, we've said several times over the past weeks that a Doug Ford win would be a political miracle. Stepping in at the eleventh hour for his sick brother, with no funds raised and a skeleton staff, and a hostile media that was only interested in trying to make him look bad, the odds were unbelievably long. Even with the loss, the arc of this year's drama was positively Shakespearean. With a win, it would have been biblical. We give Doug undying respect and admiration for what was, under the circumstances, an amazing effort. Anyone who was watching the debates knows, this is a man of charisma, character, and intelligence, who would have made a damned fine mayor. Plus, we all learned that the woman-behind-the-man is someone really special.

We also give great respect to Olivia Chow. Her campaign got off to a deplorable start against Rob last March, when she went hard-negative against him. She tanked in the polls immediately because of it, and could never recover. While she could not recover her lost plurality, she did recover her dignity. She never went overly personal on Rob or Doug again, and while many were predicting a complete free-fall, Olivia ended up with 227,000 votes and a respectable 23%. The lefties didn't fall for the arrogant push for "strategic voting" force-fed on them by their own supposed allies at the paper formerly known for its Atkinson Principles (now known for its corporatist Board of Trade bend-over-for-Wynnebag Principles), The Toronto Star, which by rights should now be on its final death-rattles. The hard-left base has been said to be in the low 20% range in Toronto, and she managed to take it all home in the end thanks to keeping it classy down the stretch.

So that leaves J-Lib. J-Lib and the media war against Ford, which he encouraged wholeheartedly for at least two years on his top-rated radio show while pretending not to run for Mayor, managed to peel about 15% off the top from Ford's 2010 result, and that was the difference. Who were these 15%? You tell us. We all know someone who was with Ford Nation in 2010, but bailed for Tory now. Tell your stories below.

We're going to be a little quieter on this page for a while. Not because there won't be news to report on, or things to ridicule, or balloons to puncture, but because we are simply grassroots unpaid individuals who need to focus back on other things in life after this exhausting, dramatic year. But don't worry. For those of us who have bonded over the past three years, we have too much in common to let it go. Great friendships have been made. Political alliances have been formed. The iconoclasts of Toronto have found a home together. The laughs have been too delicious.

But above all, the politics remain the same, and remain orphaned in our current political culture. The Ford Nation values: lower taxes, respectful spending, derailing the gravy train, working towards smart infrastructure, supporting independent business, supporting car drivers - have no home in any political party in 2014. And yet, we contend, these remain the most popular issues for the majority of voters! Notice John Liberal never mocked the Gravy Train. Notice he defended until the end the Scarborough Subway extension (albeit through gritted teeth), and talked endlessly about gridlock despite the fact that his un-scrutinized transit plans will make gridlock worse. Notice he continually promised low taxes and fiscal prudence, even as it became so obviously clear that the promises he was making to barter for endorsements would make it a fantasy in his administration. John Liberal never attacked the Ford Nation values at all. He simply attacked the men, Rob and Doug Ford. Which makes him a dirtbag who sold his soul to get elected. But a dirtbag smart enough to recognize reality.

So, get ready folks. We are here to hold John Liberal and his landslide leftist council to account. We must all pledge together that, for the next four years, in the absence of media and partisan political scrutiny, we will become the J-Lib administration's OFFICIAL OPPOSITION. And we're under no obligation to preface that with the word "Loyal".

Enjoy the honeymoon, J-Lib. New Year's is just around the corner. 2015 brings us the Pan Scam Games, and the next labour negotiation. Sid Ryan was already scoping out the waters tonight. He smells Miller Time...
Agree with GavinTheAlmighty and share his hurt at the low showing for Andray. So disheartening after a campaign that was fought so hard and to a high standard, and got so much attention across the city. Andray is a class act and will make a bigger mark on the political scene in some future way. As for the reasons for the low support...thoughts for another day.

Also appalled at Doug's showing but delighted that he got the boot.

Indeed, but unfortunately we couldn't vote in Ward 2. :(
Andray would have a better chance in a different ward, but I guess he wants to do something for Rexdale.

I guess when Rob dies the Fords will run Karla's dog in the by-election... and the little bitch will win.
I know I should be laughing, Scarberian. But, I'm not.

Too soon? Well at least the city can soothe itself at the thought of Doug might not completely leave TO for Chicago. Doug is now co-councilor for ward 2 and co-trustee in Ward 1 after all.

Huh? Why are you making that face? I'm trying to cheer you up. :p Ok for realsies now. Rob won Ward 2. But, he has three things to look forward too. 1) Dealing with his serious health issues. 2) The Judeism COI case which if proven true, can toss his ass out. 3) Brazen 2: I surveilled the MINO and all I got was this lousy bedbug boogaloo edition. Ranked in order of most probable to happen, IMO.

Doug may try to run in a by-election, but he might be in no mood for another bout of politics that soon. Then again the Screwjob Switcheroo did happen, so I would never say never when it comes to Fofam and FoBros*. But maybe Doug is sitting the next round out to take care of bidness back in Chicago and NJersey. Hmm, so that means the next in line to the Ford Dynasty is likely to be... Mikey?! Oh, ah, hmm, well,.. how 'bout them Leafs huh?

*Fobros? More like where's the Febreeze amirite nyuk nyuk nyuk.... Is this thing on?
Toronto has a fast growing French community. A lousy economic situation and too much talk of separatism has led to yet another large exodus, but this time includes many progressive francophones. Better jobs here, and companies seem eager to move away from the unstable political landscape. Where Montreal used to be a hub for bilingual call centers, it's rapidly moving to Toronto. Even on the street these days, I hear French being spoken all the time.

Very true, but it's been a very long trend. My wife is French and her first Toronto job was with TD GM Visa in the mid-90s, on Richmond & Bay.
Huh? Why are you making that face? I'm trying to cheer you up. :p Ok for realsies now. Rob won Ward 2. But, he has three things to look forward too. 1) Dealing with his serious health issues. 2) The Judeism COI case which if proven true, can toss his ass out. 3) Brazen 2: I surveilled the MINO and all I got was this lousy bedbug boogaloo edition. Ranked in order of most probable to happen, IMO.

My optimistic hope for Rob is #3. Maybe the mayoralty had to end before charges. For example, perhaps lesser charges than extortion or dealing may now feasibly be brought, where the police and crown did not want to go there while Rob was mayor. I really hope Rob lives long enough for a handcuff perp walk.

And to those trying to close down the thread, I don't think it can until that happens.
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