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Then and Now:

Jesus tap dancing Christ on a bike. In the before pic is he like 25? I doubt it. Therefore, I have no other choice than to deduct a full 12 months from my life expectancy projection. He'll never have to worry about cutting the grass again.

36 weeks.


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I can believe his kidnies are compromised and not working at peak capacity but they likely have not shut down or he would be in hospital on dialysis. Once kidnies shut down life expectancy is down to weeks if not days.

ETA I have no days of medical training but lived through dialysis with 2 close family members.

I am not a nephrologist but essentially my understanding is that without functioning kidneys your potassium levels will go up and this will perturb the function of the cells, mostly the action potential (the way neurons and muscle cells respond to stimuli). Without this your heart will stop beating properly, a condition called arrhythmia. You also have massive water retention, mostly in your lung, called pulmonary edema, which bassically is like drowning.
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So apparently there's a tradition at City Hall where the outgoing Mayor leaves "presents" for the incoming Mayor; David Miller left packets of powdered gravy. I was listening to Here and Now today and they mentioned that DOUG planned on doing this. This man REALLY believes that he was Mayor, doesn't he. Him participating in this tradition is so tacky but really this epitomizes his attitude towards Rob's Mayoralship. So perturbed, especially since CBC gave this any attention at all. DOUG WAS NOT MAYOR.

But Doug -was- mayor. Han Solo did not shoot first, it was Greedo who did. We have always been at war with Oceania.

Here's photographic proof.


The bobble head of the 2010-2014 mayor of TO. Written on the base are the words "Mayor Rob Ford", but that was a typo, it really should read "Doug" as we all know. What is not a mistake, is the likeness portrayed on the head of the doll. That is not Rob's head, but actually Doug's. It's a simple mistake but here's the truth: Rob was never mayor, Rob has always been councilor. It was Doug that was mayor.
So apparently there's a tradition at City Hall where the outgoing Mayor leaves "presents" for the incoming Mayor; David Miller left packets of powdered gravy. I was listening to Here and Now today and they mentioned that DOUG planned on doing this. This man REALLY believes that he was Mayor, doesn't he. Him participating in this tradition is so tacky but really this epitomizes his attitude towards Rob's Mayoralship. So perturbed, especially since CBC gave this any attention at all. DOUG WAS NOT MAYOR.

This is indeed screwed up. Doug has to be the most entitled human being on earth!

What a weird set of tweets from Doug Fords Ex Lawyer. I think he's exaggerating when he's talking about texts between Rob and McRobb, or Rob and Sandro. As in, "what do I have to do to get your attention?" But the third tweet about tipping her to a story and having it ignored sounds like genuine frustration. Then again, it is SAL, so the prank potential is very high.
I am not a nephrologist but essentially my understanding is that without functioning kidneys your potassium levels will go up and this will perturb the function of the cells, mostly the action potential (the way neurons and muscle cells respond to stimuli). Without this your heart will stop beating properly, a condition called arrhythmia. You also have massive water retention, mostly in your lung, called pulmonary edema, which bassically is like drowning.

Actually the edema does not generally start in the lungs. You will notice general bloating. The other tell tale sign of renal failure is the distinct odour of urine on the breath. Shortness of breath and weakness is also a sign. With MINO though, the latter is part and parcel of the chemo so hard to say about the renal failure but if I were a betting gal, I'd bet his kidnies are pretty stressed given the years of abuse and the current chemo treatments.
Rob Ford parallels some myth that someone oughta put their finger on. Strangely enough, he looks like more of a big-city mayor in the latter pic. Like Kingpin, as someone posted previously. He will haunt us still. And always. Fordian political style has irrevocably changed this city's politics with its purposefully divisive nature and tactics. One doubts we can ever go back.

The Frogs who Desired a King - Aesop

The Frogs were tired of governing themselves. They had so much freedom that it had spoiled them, and they did nothing but sit around croaking in a bored manner and wishing for a government that could entertain them with the pomp and display of royalty, and rule them in a way to make them know they were being ruled. No milk and water government for them, they declared. So they sent a petition to Jupiter asking for a king.

Jupiter saw what simple and foolish creatures they were, but to keep them quiet and make them think they had a king he threw down a huge log, which fell into the water with a great splash. The Frogs hid themselves among the reeds and grasses, thinking the new king to be some fearful giant. But they soon discovered how tame and peaceable King Log was. In a short time the younger Frogs were using him for a diving platform, while the older Frogs made him a meeting place, where they complained loudly to Jupiter about the government.

To teach the Frogs a lesson the ruler of the gods now sent a Crane to be king of Frogland. The Crane proved to be a very different sort of king from old King Log. He gobbled up the poor Frogs right and left and they soon saw what fools they had been. In mournful croaks they begged Jupiter to take away the cruel tyrant before they should all be destroyed.

"How now!" cried Jupiter "Are you not yet content? You have what you asked for and so you have only yourselves to blame for your misfortunes."

Moral: "Be sure you can better your condition before you seek to change"

In the modern retelling Miller is the log (or broom, as it were), we're the Frogs and Rob is the Crane (in the sky). However, in our version there is an extra chapter:

Chapter Two:
After a year of growing fat and lazy, Crane tires of the taste of Frogs and wanders off to eat poisoned Scorpion eggs. As Crane writhes in agony at the side of the pond, a Water Snake (who has been lurking in the reeds the whole time) strangles Crane and tries to steal his crown. But the snake's head is much too small for such a prize and it slides down his neck, dragging both Crane and Snake under the surface to their deaths.

At this point the relieved Frogs cry out a third time for help, so Jupiter sends down a stainless steel Dishwasher. The Dishwasher looks impressive and doesn't eat Frogs, but really has no business hanging out in a Frog pond. "Thanks, we guess" cry the Frogs "but why do we need a Dishwasher King when we don't even own any crockery?" At this point an irritated Jupiter shouts down from the heavens, "Fuck you, you ungrateful shits. That's a $3,000 deep-tub washer with digital controls and True Steam technology. If you can't make the new King work then you all deserve what's coming." So the Frogs did their best to go about their lives and pretend that none of this ever happened. Most of all, they worked very hard at ignoring the shiny new Dishwasher sitting in the middle of the pond.

Moral: If you're an expensive appliance, you'll eventually be bought by someone who doesn't really know what to do with you but figures you'll make their dump look a little classier.
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Actually the edema does not generally start in the lungs. You will notice general bloating. The other tell tale sign of renal failure is the distinct odour of urine on the breath. Shortness of breath and weakness is also a sign. With MINO though, the latter is part and parcel of the chemo so hard to say about the renal failure but if I were a betting gal, I'd bet his kidnies are pretty stressed given the years of abuse and the current chemo treatments.

Depending on the chemotherapeutic agent, the docs can quite careful about possible renal failure - in some cases they keep you overnight just to make sure there is sufficient fluid intake and they won't let you go until you have voided.

So apparently there's a tradition at City Hall where the outgoing Mayor leaves "presents" for the incoming Mayor; David Miller left packets of powdered gravy.

I've suggested in the past that the Fords'd be the sort to take a giant dump in the meryl office.
Just change the name of thread to Councilllor Rob Ford's Ward 2...and then we can nitpick the perhaps 20 motions a year that are brought to EYCC...won't it fun delving into encroachments, garden exemptions, fence exemptions, grandfathered driveway widenings, three and four way stops, traffic control in school zones, fire route designations and highway alterations....just think of how many petitions R Ford will be presenting from across the city at the start of each City Council meeting....just think of how deeply we can research the Section 37, 42 and 45 agreements that come in Ward 2 over the next four years....

Depends on whether he'll ever be functional enough to serve.

Just leave the thread name "as is", and it'll serve the matter of the *legacy* of Mayor Ford, including whatever involves the FoFam itself...
Depends on whether he'll ever be functional enough to serve.

Just leave the thread name "as is", and it'll serve the matter of the *legacy* of Mayor Ford, including whatever involves the FoFam itself...

This is indeed screwed up. Doug has to be the most entitled human being on earth!

As long as the gift isn't offensive, I am willing to cut the twin Fordmayor some slack on this. If Doug hadn't made us hate him for a million other reasons I doubt it would seem upsetting.
As long as the gift isn't offensive, I am willing to cut the twin Fordmayor some slack on this. If Doug hadn't made us hate him for a million other reasons I doubt it would seem upsetting.

Disagree. This is just an example of the way that Doug has consistently overstepped his bounds while at city hall. I have a huge issue with the access that Doug received to the Mayor's office, the tone he took with other councillors, the fact that he was included in meetings he should not have been included in and that he ran his campaign like he was the incumbent. This is symbolic of all of that. Not to mention that it's because of all of this other stuff that pisses us off that he even feels this is appropriate.
As long as the gift isn't offensive, I am willing to cut the twin Fordmayor some slack on this. If Doug hadn't made us hate him for a million other reasons I doubt it would seem upsetting.

Dougie's thought is LRTs.
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