The news comes after a tumultuous summer for the Revue, when the building owners announced they wanted to take over the business from the cinema’s board
- Rent increased from $10,000 per month to $15,000 per month (this is quite reasonable in light of 1.3M in annual revenues for the Cinema.)
- Revue (the film society) will donate ad time to St. Joe's Hospital (on screen etc.) worth $62,000 and host one annual fundraising event for the hospital. (requested by the building owners)
- Work to restore the original heritage facade should begin by the end of 2024.
- Former Mayor John Tory was key to mediating a deal w/between the building owner and the film society running the Revue.
Indeed, and I ate there recently! The worker lamented the loss of the Bierhalle though. The location in Kensington is also looking rather rough these days with lots of grime - I predict it'll close in a year. Must be frustrating operating next door to a shelter...
So there's no plan to do that?
To me it doesn't look much different now than it has since the marquee fell off in 2007.
Edit: A notice taped onto their door said that the recent work involved cleaning and repairs of the facade and sign, and will "not include a full restoration of the 1912 marquee".