You're serious?
Because MCC doesn't have a bus trench running through it? Because it has sidewalks everywhere? Because it isn't split in two by a multilane divided highway (McCowan)? Because its streets are actually straight, allowing buildings to come pretty much up to their edge, not a mess of on/off-ramps and a completely unecessary excess of futuristic vertical layers in the area's infrastructure? Just look at a map, it's blindingly obvious that there's a massive difference between what's being built around Square One and what's being built around STC.
I never said MCC had a satisfactory level of pedestrian friendliness, but it's 10 times better than SCC. Borough Drive and Progress have absolutely no you see one they're probably lost or work nearby and didn't want to wait 20 minutes for a bus. Brimley has none, McCowan has none, people living south of Ellesmere do not walk to the mall, people living in the condos are barely able to walk around the area by crossing the patchwork of parking lots. At least MCC has a level grid of roads - the main problem is the scale, while at SCC, the main problem is physical barrier after physical barrier and they're doing nothing to improve it...SCC is not walkable, let alone pedestrian friendly to any degree aside from the bridge from the RT station to the mall and the walkway to Albert Campbell Square...that's it.