Transit users are VERY price sensitive. This is why every time fares go up on the TTC there is a corresponding drop in ridership even if the increased fares mean better service. This is also why GO has lousy ridership levels in the city of Toronto itself and adding more trains at the same price won't make any difference. Tory knows this while Metrolinx still thinks people will pay any price for better service aka UPX.
Not disputing your point, but I'm questioning the wisdom of accepting it.
This whole debate about ST fare level is nice - so long as one assumes that whatever isn't covered from the farebox just falls from the skies.
This discussion ought to be about that actual facts of cost recovery. Yes, transit riders are sensitive about fare increases. Are we happy if ST had a lesser fare recovery statistic than other things TTCish? Should it recover as much at the farebox as GO? We can't just sweep the non-farebox funding under the carpet, it will come from the riders also - as taxes.
There are lots of things up in the air considering Fare Integration is in flux, and we don't really have a handle on what ST is or how many people will ride it yet. So I'm not taking a firm position. But we need to be less cavalier about thinking there is room for a super low fare.
- Paul