Senior Member
Yet there are those on here whom trust politicians when they assure us there are efficiencies to be found and that we all deserve rapid transit even if the densities and ridership numbers don't match. I thought by voting age we would be less likely to fall for such fantasies
If density meant a darn to all the generations before our's whom even had their own financial crises and austerity measures to deal with none of these stations would exist today:
Royal York, Old Mill, Runnymede, High Park, Lansdowne, Christie, Bay, Castle Frank, Chester, Donlands, Greenwood, North York Centre, Summerhill, Rosedale, Wellesley, [St Andrew and Osgoode probably just one station], Museum, (Upper) Spadina, Glencairn, none of TYSSE, none of Sheppard Line.
But the City is far more liveable, and allows us to live in more diverse places than just the downtown core, thanks precisely because politicians past had an actual backbone and did things without fear of reprisal from the minority malcontent NIMBY special interests.
Our politicians are the ones getting worse at following through and delivering on promises and that's what's at fault, not the so-called gullibility of voters. They view what they do first and foremost as a paying job, not as a public duty; and that's the mentality that we ought to change.