I, for one, welcome our new boxy overlords.

Haha.. like the Simpsons reference..

As for the area, I think they need to put something up that isn't that blue glass they seem to have a fetish for..
Would it kill you to add some stone in there?? Or at the very least a different colour of glass..
well technically MLS + Infinity 1&2 is green glass (not to say that's a good thing though)

Great job, though the Delta seems kinda short.

When I compare wyliepoon's sketchups of the Delta with the official renders, it is definitely shorter than the official render.

Official render. Notice that the ceiling of the top inhabited floor of the Delta is about a floor above the top of the Bremner Tower roof (due to perspective effects -- it lines up near the back of the Bremner Tower):


wyliepoon's sketchup. Note that the the ceiling of the top inhabited floor of the Delta is well below the top of the Bremner Tower roof, and in fact lines up with the ceiling of the top inhabited floor of the Bremner Tower:

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Indeed. Delta is supposed to be about 160 metres, but from the angle displayed above, it looks shorter than Simcoe Place. Delta's definitely been shortened in this render.
According to the render, the mechanical box will be hidden by some kind of extension of the facade:


However, given that they didn't follow through on the different toned glass for the southeast protruding vertical facade, I don't trust that they'll follow through on the roof details either. Why bother with the extra cost?
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It was only a matter of time before the Cheapening raised its montone head.
18 York from this morning...
The more i see it, this glass facade is really nice. i like it.
***I'm really confused about the corner fin suppose to go up. I think they've changed the design so the fin is less prominent. confused here...



It was only a matter of time before the Cheapening raised its montone head.

As I have toured the building and learned about the amenities the builders are offering their tenants, this is not a building that will be "cheap." While exposed mechanical boxes are an incredible annoyance to the people on this site, they are of little importance to the future tenants, who, for instance, would be instead greatly appreciative of the rooftop garden with mature trees, automated window blinds and customizable heating and cooling vents. The incredibly conservative but subtly high-end windows on this building convey everything that the builders want the building to convey: discreet but impressive wealth; reliable business acumen. Our conservative banks got us through the credit crunch - it's no wonder that the architecture that survives the credit crunch is similarly conservative and unconcerned with visual flair.
Though one thing I've noticed: the looming glassy backdrop really makes Citigroup look pathetic looking south on University Ave...
Though one thing I've noticed: the looming glassy backdrop really makes Citigroup look pathetic looking south on University Ave...

I've always found its proportions very underwhelming. The building would be fine at some other location, though.
Well, even at its location, Citigroup "tried" the vista-finish thing through distinctive form. But PWC as its backdrop is a little like what Pan Am used to be knocked for as a backdrop to New York Central in NYC.


Not comparing relative qualities of anything, of course.
