Looks like they're prepparing to pull up all the tracks south of Front soon. And Spadina south of King is down to just 2 lanes now. I pitty the fool that has to commute to Oakville each day.
Lastly I also bemoan the downgrading in the quality of the landscaping. There used to be a brick base which has now been replaced by sollid concrete.
It wasn't actual brick, just concrete with a brick pattern imprinted on it -- but I agree that it looks nice, and it's a shame that it's gradually being replaced with plain flat concrete whenever repairs are done. I guess a similar fate eventually awaits the nice paving on St. Clair.
It wasn't the notorious car lobby (which is clearly responsible for all the evils in the city), it was the even more heinous fire truck lobby.Too bad they couldn't replace with grass (real or artificial), instead of concrete. But we can't have grass else the car-lobby would get upset.