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I love to have lrt take over the existing scarborough rt but if they have to rip station roofs, raise platforms, rip maintenance yard, insert overhead wiring, do major work on rail drum has stated above

Then there is no way the cost of lrt and mk2 can be the same....

To clarify, it wasn't exactly the same. The 2006 strategic plan estimated, in 2006 dollars, $421M for 4-car ICTS mk2 at a rebuilt Kennedy terminal and $554M for LRT with the same capacity. So it was a bit higher. But the LRT has other benefits, such as the fact that it works in the winter, as well as the possibility of interlining and fleet commonality with Eglinton (and let's remember that if the whole Eglinton line is built as ICTS, an extension to the airport gets much more pricey and less likely).
To clarify, it wasn't exactly the same. The 2006 strategic plan estimated, in 2006 dollars, $421M for 4-car ICTS mk2 at a rebuilt Kennedy terminal and $554M for LRT with the same capacity. So it was a bit higher. But the LRT has other benefits, such as the fact that it works in the winter, as well as the possibility of interlining and fleet commonality with Eglinton (and let's remember that if the whole Eglinton line is built as ICTS, an extension to the airport gets much more pricey and less likely).

But the extension to the airport that pricey? Once the line gets to Jane underground, the remainder can be built in a trench or cut n cover in the wide open lands along Eglinton to the airport.

Once we pass the airport, then I do see a place where LRT clearly wins out...conversion of Mississauga busway to LRT...for an eventual Eglinton Crosstown extension into Square one!

I love LRT. I got to use it 7 days a week for 4 months in Calgary this summer on a co-op term...but that being said $421..lets say $500 million is better than $1 billion and the time saved as well...

That extra $500 million could probably push the line further west towards maybe Royal York or Islington maybe...Also building a tunnel without the extra overhead for pantographs surely saves you money (however since the TBM's are already ordered, i guess that point isn't relevant anymore)

I prefer LRT but if costs significance is so huge then lets go ICTS.
But the extension to the airport that pricey? Once the line gets to Jane underground, the remainder can be built in a trench or cut n cover in the wide open lands along Eglinton to the airport.

There was talk from the City of selling parts of this land early this year. I don't know if it happened or not.
$421..lets say $500 million is better than $1 billion and the time saved as well...

That extra $500 million could probably push the line further west towards maybe Royal York or Islington maybe...

If the LRT estimate has almost doubled (from $554M to $1B), the same could very well happen to the ICTS estimate. But where is the $1B figure from, anyway?
I think we're going to see a lot of debates on this subject in the coming months, so I thought I might bring this discussion back to the top. Should we extend B/D, or spend time/money to refurbish the SRT to run LRT?

I'm on the fence. I think with all the evidence, a B/D extension is very well justified. But at the same time, I think allowing for the mode changeover from ICTS to LRT opens the door to future extensions of this (relatively) inexpensive elevated rapid transit deep into Scarbrough.
I think we're going to see a lot of debates on this subject in the coming months, so I thought I might bring this discussion back to the top. Should we extend B/D, or spend time/money to refurbish the SRT to run LRT?

I'm on the fence. I think with all the evidence, a B/D extension is very well justified. But at the same time, I think allowing for the mode changeover from ICTS to LRT opens the door to future extensions of this (relatively) inexpensive elevated rapid transit deep into Scarbrough.

Personally Id rather take the extra money it would have cost to build a extension of the BD line and grade separate the Eglinton line so that it could be interlined with the SRT.
No to the subway extension, more cost with less service including no stop at Centennial College and no chance of getting to Malvern. And less likelihood of the Sheppard LRT being built since it won't be needed for yard access and the extra funding will have to come from somewhere.

As well, changing the current plans yet again can't end well.
I think we're going to see a lot of debates on this subject in the coming months, so I thought I might bring this discussion back to the top. Should we extend B/D, or spend time/money to refurbish the SRT to run LRT?
The decision has long since been made. Keep to the plan so it is not delayed yet again. Any politician who re-opens this yet again, would be tarred as a flip-flopper - so it defies belief that any sane politician who already approved the current plan would be daft enough to re-open it.
This batch of TTC Commissioners at least aren't full fo Ford lackeys, but they look like a bunch of amateurs between Perruzza screwing up the naming of Steeles West Station, and now De Baeremaeker pulling this little stunt, and the majority of gthe commissioners voting in favour of these. Councillor John Parker, a centre-right councillor who I have respect for, got it right when he said this was “a stupid, stupid, irresponsible thing.” and that “(Ontario Transportation Minister Bob) Chiarelli looks like the only grown-up in the room.”
Personally I think it is a non-issue - as much as there is merit to replacing SRT w/ a BD extension, the train has sadly left the station for that one, and further talk of it is distracting from the DRL, which is the ne plus ultra priority. The whole thing sounds like trying to earn brownie points, until the inevitable TTC report comes back deflating the hopes.

The decision has long since been made. Keep to the plan so it is not delayed yet again. Any politician who re-opens this yet again, would be tarred as a flip-flopper - so it defies belief that any sane politician who already approved the current plan would be daft enough to re-open it.

I struggle to believe that it will necessarily delay construction. the SRT replacement is not scheduled to start until late 2015, 3 years from now. Another advantage is that if a subway is decided on, it might actually be able to start earlier, and even if it took longer to build it could still be finished around the same time as the current SRT replacement.

Except that scenario would probably affect the organization's focus on the DRL - which is THE priority. Plus you will need another EA, re-negotiation with what is likely a very volatile provincial government, etc.

Seeing as the SRT replacement is bungled as is, I'm all for studying to do it right.
