"Since the Moss Park Restaurant (being shuttered as the owner, an older Greek man is retiring "
OK, the Older Greek Man is Spiros! (Who also owns the building.)
The first time I met him, (1974) he and his business partner were operating a restaurant within the plaza, Queen East at Carroll,
later moving to The Crowbar Restaurant on the corner of Adelaide E and ?. At sometime thereafter, Spiros only, repaired to another
rented property within the Queen East 200 block, it having direct rear access to Britain Street and offered parking. Unfortunately,
the owner of that property did not want to sell, but later, and farther to the west, (present location) did. The naming of the restaurant
also changed between the time of The Carevelle and the present Moss Park due to Spiros leasing the ground floor to another party.
So, just what, aside from my patronizing his Emporium of Food have to do with Urban Toronto, other than a local historical snippet?
Our Fearless Leader, aka Edward, did own the building south of and abutting that last mention restaurant building, although it having
a Britain Street address. Another little know item having to do with the area's reality, much to our Fearless Leader's chagrin, is that
his title had the position of giving Right of Way to the Queen Street property owners from and including Spiros, over to and including
both of the Gray's Antiques properties, allowing those owners, unrestricted Right to Access. BTW, Vince Gray has a Fab garden area
behind his antique, Antique stores.
So, to quote someone more famous than I - "Now you know the rest of the story."