This in BlogTO is not, I think totally accurate but the situation is even worse than they say! BlogTO said
The current project is a Toronto Hydro one laying new conduit and building new vaults from Church to Yonge and at last word it will end pretty much on schedule in early March. In fact, the City organised the Hydro contractor to also lay conduit for Bell and other telecom contractors so this project was actually handled quite well. It follows a 2017/18 project to lay a new watermain and, of course, the work on Berczy Park and the adjacent block of Scott Street.
The problem is that during this Hydro work they found a major Enbridge pipe between Scott and Yonge that is in a bad location and needs to be relocated - a job that will apparently take 40 days. While this is disappointing it was, until recently, not seen as a huge problem and everyone expected it to go ahead in April with the final streetscape work (including new TTC track) occurring in late summer. Now, we learn that the City wants to postpone the new TTC track and the streetscape work to 2021!
The St Lawrence Market BIA (who are putting $$$ into streetscape improvements) and the St Lawrence Neighbourhood Association are VERY unhappy about this proposed postponement as there has been work going on around Wellington for at least 4 years and a further 2 years of mess is absolutely unsatisfactory.. (The final stages of the project involve new streetcar track, wider sidewalks, more trees and a reconstruction of the Church/Front/Wellington intersection which was approved by Council in 2016).