If it wasn't for the stupid aggressions of the Serbs, the west would have backed the Serbian hold on Kosovo. But the Albanians were smart, they slowing got a hold in Kosovo, and then through pure demographics pushed out the Serbs, and then took over.
Albanians have tried to take Kosovo since the 19th century, and did join the Albania during WWII (as Albania at the time was a Nazi state). So, if there has been aggression for the past century, it has been as a result of Albanians driving the Serbs away. By the 1980s, the number of Serbs in Kosovo was dwindling, as they faces constant harassment, as well as beatings and an odd murder. Serbia finally took the autonomy of Kosovo away (which, by the way, was certainly not illegal) and soon the KLA decided to start killing the Serb police. Serbia brought in the army, and what did NATO do? It decided to offer the Serbs an ultimatum NO self-respecting sovereign country could accept. Serbia, among other things, accepted restoring the autonomy, and bringing in an international peacekeeping force into Kosovo. Not good enough: NATO required a 'peacekeeping' force made up of NATO troops, as well as a de facto occupation of the country, even outside of Kosovo. Serbia refused to sign it, and NATO decided to bomb the hell out of the country. So much for NATO being a defensive pact; moreover, Kosovo certainly WAS a message to Russia - that it had no say in what it started to once again regard as a close ally.
Now, the hipocracy of the Western media over Georgia is indeed staggering. Far be it from Saakashvili attacking a rebellious province, S. Ossetia was de facto independent and had a Russian peacekeeping force according to the treaty that was agreed to by both sides in the prior war. So the Georgians had no problem breaking the treaty without provocation and in the process killing Russian peacekeepers (I wonder how Americans would react if the situation was reversed). But, the US, Canada, and some other key allies did not condemn Georgia (when they bombed countries for much less). No, somehow Russia was at fault. AND, all this is without noting that S. Ossetia was only Georgian because
Stalin said so.
What's really dangerous is that US is still promising Georgia NATO membership. But, NATO, as envisioned, is a defensive pact. Provoking Russia into a war and then expecting foreign help is exactly what Saakashvili hoped for, even without the membership. I wonder what Canadians here on this forum think about that. Would it be worth it for NATO to risk a nuclear war in order to satisfy Mr. Saakashvili's nationalist aspirations? Not for me.