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Look, I think we're all at some level of being peeved about the continued lack of storefront activation along Edmonton's main streets, especially Jasper Ave. I don't think anyone here is "applauding" murals, either. We could all be on here expressing our grief about Edmonton's perceived lack success compared to its counterparts in downtown development. It'd be redundant, however, because we all already know Edmonton is struggling with these things. For me it's more interesting to delve into the reasons why that is, but that's a topic for the Real Estate section.
Its really the downtown core that is struggling with lack of storefronts, not Edmonton as a whole. Most suburban areas seem to be doing well.

However, I also have mixed feelings about say the mural on the old Bay/Eaton space. Yes, it does look nicer than the blank space before but it is like a band aid covering up something.

I am also very frustrated as someone who spends a lot of time downtown but have so few places there to spend my money here now. There are more nice things in West Ed or South Common, but I am not going out there often.

I feel the current City Council pays occasional lip service to improving downtown when pressed but really has not put forth enough effort and am very disappointed with them.
