Good Coffee; edible baked goods, vaguely comfy chairs that would work.
The former really is an easy fix; as is the latter; that middle one, to me, requires bringing back in-store scratch baking which they ditched more than a decade ago now.
Not sure how feasible that would be given current store layouts.
Also, I don't give a @#$# whether they think its too snobby any place that wants my breakfast vote should be able to make freshly-squeezed OJ; none of the packaged product is very good.
I found their recent rebranding/store renos at odds with their chain - I much prefer the classic look and feel (the almost clinical space, reusable dishware/flatware)...that, and edible food. I was miffed one of the store near where I lived finally renovated to the new, personality free standards.
And why sell juice even? Their bottled stuff is crap - they can't even be bothered to reconstitute it from frozen concentrate and offer it in a proper glass.