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What will the world look like by 2025?

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Your world clearly doesn't care and uses other countries resources until there's nothing left with rapacious glee, but not mine.

Nobody is using up their resources. We are buying it from them. That's how global capitalism works. If they squander the wealth of their resources that's not the fault of the west. If you buy gas from the corner gas station and it goes bankrupt because of mismanagement 3 months later is it your fault?

Why is it that some countries can do great things with their mineral wealth (UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Norway, Mexico, etc.) and some can't (Iran, Saudi Arabia, most of the countries in Africa)? I would suggest that it has nothing to do with the West and much to do with how those countries manage their resources and distribute the wealth.
Why should the world do any more for Africa? How many billions have been poured down that drain? And to what effect? Has it made any difference at all? All those who cry about Africa, should answer why the Africans deserve any more special treatment when there are other countries that have been dealt just as bad a hand and come out on top with little to no assistance, while Africa should be leagues ahead given the richness of its land.

So much of the strife in Africa is tribal and who systematically instigates tribal warfare?: The western world - ever since colonialism.
If you need any evidence that the American Empire is probably past its tipping point just read Chalmers Johnson's "Sorrows of Empire" or David Harvey's "The New Imperialism"

They're probably the two key reads on American hegemony, and provide a lot of evidence that the US is slipping.
American will not fall and will stay dominant for some time but there is no doubt that is slipping or at least its influence is not growing. Its influence is most likely declining.

I cannot imagine 20 years ago, Americans tolerating their president getting hit by shoes.... :D
So much of the strife in Africa is tribal and who systematically instigates tribal warfare?: The western world - ever since colonialism.

Yes, Africa is tribal. So what? How is that the fault of the west? Most of the world has been tribal at some point, yet the Asians and Europeans got over it. And colonialism ended over 60 years ago. Perhaps the West owed the former colonies assistance over the years. But I would argue that debt has surely been repaid by now. Now it is up to the Africans to demonstrate their ability and intention to strive for success.

Tell me, what is your excuse when comparing Africa and many of the successful (South, East, and South East) Asian economies? Both sets of countries were colonized. And had similar socio-economic indicators at the start of the post-colonial era. Both parts of the world were proxy battlegrounds during the Cold War. And both areas have struggled with issues of integrating significant ethnic and religious minorities. But the Asians did not receive significant aid and did not have significant resources. Yet, somehow they have achieved an incredible increase in living standards pulling hundreds of millions out of poverty. What is your excuse for Africans not achieving the same success or even half as much when they have had significantly more assistance and resources? Quit typing out platitudes and answer the question directly.
If you need any evidence that the American Empire is probably past its tipping point just read Chalmers Johnson's "Sorrows of Empire" or David Harvey's "The New Imperialism"

They're probably the two key reads on American hegemony, and provide a lot of evidence that the US is slipping.

All powers come to an end. However, we are talking a 25 year timeframe. It is fairly naiive to think American hegemony will decline that far in 25 years or even that in our lifetimes. And if it does, we should be truly, truly concerned for the powers that replace it.
So much of the strife in Africa is tribal and who systematically instigates tribal warfare?: The western world - ever since colonialism.
Oh, what utter rubbish. You can't keep blaming outsiders for your continent's problems. My own homeland, Britain, was tribal in the greatest sense, with Celts, Picts, Saxons, Angles, Romans, Scots, Norse (Viking) and Normans all fighting for survival, domination and in the case of the Norse, Romans and Normans these were direct military invasions. But we settled that and went on to build a successful country.

Let's compare Europe to Africa. Europe is extremely tribal, with over a dozen different languages and cultures in a space smaller than half of Canada. Over the centuries the Europeans have fought and killed each other by the millions. However, in the late 1940s and beyond the nations or tribes of Europe decided to lay down their swords, and start working together.

Where is the African example of overcoming past transgressions and building new success?
My own homeland, Britain, was tribal in the greatest sense,

Indeed, Britain is a shining example of a peaceful nation, where all members love each other and work terrorism there ;)
Oh, what utter rubbish. You can't keep blaming outsiders for your continent's problems. My own homeland, Britain, was tribal in the greatest sense, with Celts, Picts, Saxons, Angles, Romans, Scots, Norse (Viking) and Normans all fighting for survival, domination and in the case of the Norse, Romans and Normans these were direct military invasions. But we settled that and went on to build a successful country.

Let's compare Europe to Africa. Europe is extremely tribal, with over a dozen different languages and cultures in a space smaller than half of Canada. Over the centuries the Europeans have fought and killed each other by the millions. However, in the late 1940s and beyond the nations or tribes of Europe decided to lay down their swords, and start working together.

Where is the African example of overcoming past transgressions and building new success?
Well to be fair to Africa, it took Britain millennia to achieve a successful, relatively violence-free country. There was still tribal violence in Britain within all of our lifetimes (Northern Ireland). Also, Britain's boundaries weren't decided by outsiders - the most recent successful occupation of Britain was almost 1000 years ago. If you want to use Britain as an example, you have to give African countries another 900 years or so build successful countries.
Also, Britain's boundaries weren't decided by outsider

the line between Scotland and England is practically along Hadrian's wall...

However England is unique...
Well to be fair to Africa, it took Britain millennia to achieve a successful, relatively violence-free country. There was still tribal violence in Britain within all of our lifetimes (Northern Ireland). Also, Britain's boundaries weren't decided by outsiders - the most recent successful occupation of Britain was almost 1000 years ago. If you want to use Britain as an example, you have to give African countries another 900 years or so build successful countries.

Yes, but Moonmouth is attempting to place the blame for Africa's problems on the west. Britain went through it's 1000 years of misery on its own without regular charitable contributions from the outside world. There was no Bono throwing concerts for the poor starving kids of the British Isles. Using this standard the world owes Africa absolutely nothing. I wouldn't go that far but I am not supportive of more aid for Africa without Africans themselves taking responsibility for their problems. We can't impose solutions on them. And they don't want to craft the solutions themselves. So let them wallow in their misery till they get the sense to take care of themselves.
What about Japan? It was occupied only 60 odd years ago, after being literally demolished by the USA. Now it is the worlds second largest economy. Or what about China, They've gone from "no dogs or chinese" allowed in their parks to a manufacturing superpower. Or Brazil, or Chile, or Thailand, or Signapore, or quite a bit. I think everyone knows that colonialism in Africa left negative scars, but more and more it is being used by corrupt despots to justify further tyrany over Africans (see Mugabe). There is very little directly related to imperialism that is still holding Africa back.

I will give Africa some slack though in that is possibly the least hospitable continent barring Antarctica. Most of it is prone to malaria and drought. It has no major navigable rivers (barring the Nile). No major coastal ports. Poor domestic livestock. A wildly persistent tendency to tribal warfare (with bows and arrows, still?!!? compare to the Swiss). But inevitably the only solutions to these problems are of the western, neoliberal variety. Greater investment in education (not tribal knowledge, i mean education in literacy, numeracy, science and logic), greater economic freedom and attracting foreign investment. If it has worked for 90% of countries that have tried it, why not Africa? These cockamamie schemes dreamed up by alter-mondialists often have more to do with assuaging some kind of lingering white guilt as opposed to helping Africans.
