the view from the gardiner will be unlike any in North America when everything is built up ^^^ holy 2016 car commercials.
That drive will be so epic. Really pumped for that. And I already think Toronto is stunning coming in westbound on the Gardiner.
That drive will be so epic. Really pumped for that. And I already think Toronto is stunning coming in westbound on the Gardiner.

from westbound the skyline (CBD) looks a lot more balanced, but from the east, you get to take in the skyline as a whole looking north, either way. equally epic. :D
from the east all you see of the cbd is scotiaplaza's east wall.. LOL

lol yup, imo it kinda kills the skyline view facing directly west. too dominant and fat! actually, the entire directly facing west view of the CBD has always looked off.. not great composition and the towers don't work that well together, only in scale.

I think it would be more accurate to say that almost everyone on UT want the negative effects Gardiner and ancillary transportation infrastructure had on the surrounding areas gone. At this point, I'd be quite happy with a rebuild/reconfiguration instead of wholescale burial.

I dream of a burial, but would be happy with something less drastic. Like most others here I suspect, I'm just not crazy about how it is right now.
That's what Bruce Mau suggested years ago - though predictably it will create problems the grade of on/off ramps. An alternative would be to use materials that aren't as heavy (steel pipe columns a la OCAD vs. concrete piers, etc) and split the deck lengthwise into two (with a sort of skylight in between).

I say put a cover on the whole thing, and put a walking park on top. Link it up with staircases and such and put some park-related retail underneath. Saw this idea somewhere at some point, I think. Sounds expensive, but I bet tearing the thing down would be costlier.
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