The City of Toronto has recently approved the revised massing of the office component (16 York Street) and the proposed time-line for construction will commence before the residential towers are completed. The interesting part of the application approval is the forecast of existing structures currently under construction and/or during the said time-line, as both developments located at CR Block 7B are mentioned as advancing developments.
What is the revised massing of the office component?

To quote UrbanOptic from December:

When compared to the most recent public rendering, the office component of York Centre is currently undergoing some moderate adjustments; Design of the first two levels, density of the tower and minor elevation increase. There are several potential tenants that have shown interest and one restriction the city imposed concerning the office component, is that construction will commence prior to the completion of 12 and 14 York Street.

It's a shame. This place used to be more grassroots, and friendlier. Now it's a wanna-be real estate website covered in condo ads and split down the middle by people with different architects and viewpoints they need to parade around/promote or contest. It's incredibly tiring.

The mods also have forgotten that their job is to moderate and remove condescending/rude posts, instead of spending all their time trying to write news articles and be in cahoots with developers. They always get involved in these issues when it's too late.

Totally agree. This forum has become somewhat of a circus over recent years. I wish there was a way to filter out the constant nob-jousting. I came to this thread to read about ICE, not another "my tastes are better than your tastes" thread.
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This pic made me think the same thing!

this part of town is finally starting to look like part of the city.

Exactly... It would be hard to describe to a visitor, what this looked like a few short years ago.. one of the grandest transformations, (At least in scale) in North American urban core history, on par with huge projects like the big dig! :)
Exactly... It would be hard to describe to a visitor, what this looked like a few short years ago.. one of the grandest transformations, (At least in scale) in North American urban core history, on par with huge projects like the big dig! :)

I love your American resident perspective on Toronto development. If we lived in the US, I'm sure we be more enthusiastic about the developments that take place here when there is almost nothing going on where we live.
Its just the overall scope of the project, and city planning, ...the urban suburb in the sky, a thinking that doesn't exist here, at least in the Midwest, (Chicago, and New York obvious exceptions)
I praise the over all effort, to keep the inner city vital and relevant.
I laugh when some one suggests parts of Toronto are seedy, Toronto at its worst,on a bad day, is a safe enviroment, and aside from an odd nut job ( which exists everywhere) you are never really in danger!
The country provides too well for its own!! Thus desperation and hence crime are minimal!
I will not apologize for loving my city, because looking back, there is a freedom, hope, and forward thinking that here is replaced with fear, and tension.
Toronto embraces the world, and is willing to take what innovations are available to it!! Such as 75 story off ramp condos!!!
I don't know about Toronto always being safe in every area--and I think there's a lot of areas of Toronto that look like hell, too--but I generally agree with what you're saying. I'm immensely happy about how Toronto has been developing over the last 5ish years.
