Omg Omg Omg

omg omg omg it's so HOT.. jesus i feel like im dreaming.. omg omg omg omg are we really going to get those?? omg omg omg I think im going to have a f***ing heart attack.. omg.. it's so beautiful.... im crying
Anyone care to remind me if these are approved?

I don't think they are approved yet by council. Planning staff may have recommended them for approval however.

The first phase of "ICE" is expected to be introduced in early Summer 2008, so it's safe to say that it has been approved.

Units range from 400 sq foot studios to 1,100 sq foot 3-bedroom units.

Just because they are about to begin sales soon doesn't mean they're approved. 1BE isn't approved yet and sales started a long time ago.
Oh well, chastise me if you will, but these do not do it for me. Yes they are tall, and possibly appropriately scaled for the area, however they look like pretty much like every other office tower going up in Asia at the moment -tack on a few balconies and "wow", you just converted that generic asian office tower into a Toronto condo.

I have to admit, that while Clewes is assisting in Toronto's changing architectural language, he is not doing anything exceptional, nor is he creating pieces that are innovative. But this in no way means that I am advocating further 'boot' inspirations from Libeskind, or other architecture notables, but I think it is just what it is, unimaginative.

Disagree with me, as you probably all will, but what makes his work really so innovative? Again, Infinity condos they are not, but I fail to see the creative genius in his work, that so many wish to suggest.


I think US will have an explanation for you.

And they should be - considering the limited amount land for commerical uses in the downtown core. In some regards, MLS is a bad precedent, though it's rather explicitly stated that it's a one-off project and not to be used as a general policy change in land uses for the area. We'll see.

Personally, I'd be a lot happier if 2/3 of the floorspace is office and 1/3 residential.

I don't think this will help at all. All they'll do is reduce the height of the residential towers to make the proportion of office space larger.

As much as I'd like to see office space grow here, those towers are sweet and I hope they get built as tall and slender as they are in the original plan.

Hopefully I'm wrong and the developer will increase the height of the office tower instead of reducing the residential.

Quite true. I don't mind seeing one condo tower at that size but I think two is a bit excessive considering the other footprint can be used for a second office tower.

As neat as the podium looks, I am wondering just how pleasant that space would be to walk along when winter rolls around. It looks awfully exposed...

As cool as it looks we really really need to think about the big picture.
Sure we might jump at the city saying we need something like this in this area and from the pictures I've seen it seems that these towers would be unique enough but not DUBIA cheasy.

But on the other hand think 50 years down the road, if we allow tons of condos in this area where will office towers be built, this is an ideal area for office space and we can't scarfice that even if the proposal is amazing .... you're thinking short term.
omg omg omg it's so HOT.. jesus i feel like im dreaming.. omg omg omg omg are we really going to get those?? omg omg omg I think im going to have a f***ing heart attack.. omg.. it's so beautiful.... im crying

I believe that this is the first orgasm posted on UT.
But on the other hand think 50 years down the road, if we allow tons of condos in this area where will office towers be built, this is an ideal area for office space and we can't scarfice that even if the proposal is amazing .... you're thinking short term.

There is still plenty of opportunity for new office space especially once decking over the rail corridor becomes economically feasible (when land runs out) however, would it not serve the downtown better to have more of its office space spread out than continually focusing on a CBD?
I am not sure I understand the City's insistence on keeping the proportion of office space so high in the ACC area. I mean, admittedly it is very close to Union and all, but it's not like we are talking about the City of London here. The stock of vacant or underused land within, say, 2 KM of King and Bay is certainly declining, but it's still comparatively large. For all the built-over surface parking lots there's probably still 20 within easy walking distance of Union Station. Toronto is not even close of running out of room for intensification, even right in the core. That's not even to mention the remaining vacant land along the central waterfront. So let's see what the market wants to build, and let the resulting mixed-use downtown become even cooler than it already is.
Just because they are about to begin sales soon doesn't mean they're approved. 1BE isn't approved yet and sales started a long time ago.

You are absolutely right. I was going to mention that it's best to wait on official word. I jumped the gun a bit. Atleast we have some positive news :).

And they should be - considering the limited amount land for commerical uses in the downtown core. In some regards, MLS is a bad precedent, though it's rather explicitly stated that it's a one-off project and not to be used as a general policy change in land uses for the area. We'll see.

Personally, I'd be a lot happier if 2/3 of the floorspace is office and 1/3 residential.

id be alot happier if 18 york and telus were taller by ten floors each.thats almost half a million square feet.
what are the odds that Fairmont will not build a hotel on their site (abutting 18 York to the west) and build an office tower or even with 25-30% of floor space as hotel?
