I want my 18 minutes back.
I'm supposed to be sleeping.

C/F Lanterra owe me 18 minutes of sleep.
I want my 8 minutes back!... Back to studying now:mad:
Great example of viral marketing though..

wait for it... they might be uploading something... :) just wait for another hour or so... :))))
I see floorplans and a pricelist, among other useful links...

(update: oops, I was looking at icecondo.ca, not icecondos.com - is that info out of date?)
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Ice Countdown with one second remaining, and at 12:01. Anticlimactic perhaps?

I hit the refresh button as it was stuck on 00 00 00 and get a white screen in Firefox.

I'm going to bed :(

They are uploading something but they already owe me 18 minutes of sleep and I'm not sure they want to gamble and end up owing me another hour of sleep should the content of the upload be as underwhelming as the end of the countdown.

Actually, I get it now.

White screen. Countdown saying a new ice age was coming. Very clever.
