Great angle on that first shot wmedia! Really puts all the work in this area and especially the inpacts along Simcoe with the delta, RBC and shangri-la in perspective for me.
Sept 25th:




Jesus. That's a lot of pale green/pale grey/pale blue glass. It's almost hypnotizing.

I agree. Althought I think it's an impressive sight, the whole area is crying out for some brick, limestone or red granite. I'd even be happy with some nicely arranged stone-coloured precast concrete.
When I was shooting the building yesterday, I noticed the balconies change sides up in the 3? floor area and that can be seen in the photos posted above.

I agree we need more brick and stone on these buildings, let alone others with some bright colours.

Here is one from Paris I shot in July

One from Glasgow in June
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This is not correct.

The information posted in context to the occupancy dates were extracted directly from documents filed with the City of Toronto by Block 9B Developments Limited (Lanterra) on July 8, 2008 (ICE) and October 1, 2009 (ICE2). There may have been several revisions to the condominiums documents since and most recently both sets (12/14 York Street) have been amended to disclose the inclusion of two additional residential floors per building.
The information in the thread title has reflected the additional two floors for quite some time now… unless you're telling us of an increase to 59 and 69 storeys (which I do not believe to be the case).

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The information in the thread title has reflected the additional two floors for quite some time now… unless you're telling us of an increase to 59 and 69 storeys (which I do believe to be the case).


I believe the variance (2s) back then was for the original proposal of 55s and 65s
Whoops! There was supposed to be a 'not' in there. Fixed.

