Personally I really like this design. Reminds me of something you might see on King West in Toronto. Hope we see more along King William of similar size. Lots of empty parking lots to fill.
So this plus McMaster, King William and the newest Core building make 1,400 units beginning to fill up over the next 6 months in a small part of the central city. Not too shabby!
Very excited for this. I expect the vibe of downtown to dramatically change. This summer is going to be interesting.
Very excited for this. I expect the vibe of downtown to dramatically change. This summer is going to be interesting.
It's eerie to go on google maps to like 2007 and see everything just boarded up and dead and to see how much things have changed.

And yeah we definitely have different style preferences, but that's ok :p

I love curves and angles in architecture, all right angles irritates me hehe..

I think some of the issue for me is part of this doesn't feel .. structural brick wise.. namely the front how it hangs over - the brick is being used more as a decorative element, whereas kiwis all feels solid and structural - I think it's the advent of steel frame support - now things can just be floating but because things like stone lintels have usually been above or below windows because brick alone cannot support it, and brick doesn't usually just float, it leaves a strange feeling where your mind automatically goes "that doesn't seem.. right.." then you have to remember ah yes there is steel inside so the brick is just.. aesthetic..

I guess its like others used to say in the past that it leads to a bit of a disney vibe, where it's just.. there.. it's not doing any structural support. Also I know it looks better in person but the grey brick I find in pictures has this somewhat almost "dirty" look to it.

I am interested to see when it' all done and filled up - maybe my opinion will change once i see it all lit up and populated, esp. with a tenant on the first floor.

To their credit they did try to do at least a little bit of decorative brick work - I think around the windows they changed the angle of the bricks.
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Units are up for rent here:
I honestly don't think they'll get that for this unit. It'll either sit empty for a long time, or they'll lower the rent price. $2000/month for a 1bdrm (and a tiny one at that) is bonkers in Hamilton. There are still really nice 2bdrm units downtown for under $2000/month. Fewer and fewer, but they exist.

From the posting it looks like they're looking for students, and the weird bed layout. Students that are willing to room very close to each other with zero privacy (lol at the glass walled bedroom).
The glass wall bedroom is pretty common in small units in Toronto!
2k is not outrageous at all. That's pretty much the market rate these days for a 1 bedroom in most areas.
Hamilton typical 1bdrm price is around $1800-$1900 depending on location and quality. That being said, if you go looking you can find some 1bdrms for more than $2000 but they're typically much larger than this. This unit looks like it's 500sqft or less potentially, much of it hallway. For a similar sized unit downtown you could easily find something cheaper.
Hamilton typical 1bdrm price is around $1800-$1900 depending on location and quality. That being said, if you go looking you can find some 1bdrms for more than $2000 but they're typically much larger than this. This unit looks like it's 500sqft or less potentially, much of it hallway. For a similar sized unit downtown you could easily find something cheaper.
This is not a rental building in Corktown or something. This is a high end condo right in the international village, 2k is quite reasonable IMO. I don't think people realize how much rent (and selling price of condos) have gone up in the past couple years. It's bonkers. Another way to look at it is the Canadian dollar has seriously lost value in real terms.
