You can "revitalize" a skyline? :rolleyes:

I guess you could sort of do that with a new landmark tower that changes the profile of the skyline, the way Montreal defined its current skyline with 1000 De La Gauchetière or Los Angeles with the US Bank Tower.

Toronto hasn't moved beyond First Canadian Place as its CBD skyline definer- yet.

1075 Bay won't be the building to do that, it's mostly marketing fluff- I think they were probably going for the 'Define the skyline' spiel with their own twist.
I guess you could sort of do that with a new landmark tower that changes the profile of the skyline, the way Montreal defined its skyline with 1000 De La Gauchetière or Los Angeles with the US Bank Tower.

Toronto hasn't moved beyond First Canadian Place as its skyline peak- yet.

It is not how it can be done - it is what the phrase actually meant (or what the negative implies - stale skyline"?) It's meaningless - as if skyline is like Regent Park or something.

Well, if not together exactly, at least they referenced us explicitly!

1075 Bay Street – Zoning Amendment Application
– Preliminary Report ....

1074 bay street.PNG
