Yeah, thinking this could look awful if the VE-ing doesn't go well; fearing a Garrison Point situation.

Garrison is not complete yet, give it a few months and it will look similar to the renders.
Garrison is not complete yet, give it a few months and it will look similar to the renders.
Not sure which Garrison Point renderings you're looking at, but the ones in front of me don't show any back-painted spandrel and waist-height mullions.
Not sure which Garrison Point renderings you're looking at, but the ones in front of me don't show any back-painted spandrel and waist-height mullions.

Exactly -- this ain't gonna be pretty, regardless of what happens next.

You're right but leave that building in Chance's are they might just still build it and it looks good too !
You're right but leave that building in Chance's are they might just still build it and it looks good too !
Yeah It's fully approved and chances are that they will commence it as soon as The Well office tower is finished...Haha that's if the office market doesn't crash
I removed it for 2 reasons. First so it wouldn't block 160 front when I made a video of that tower but mainly because I was under the possibly mistaken impression that it has become a stale proposal, with nothing new to report for some 2 years now.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Especially when the claims come from the likes of Canderel. I'm highly skeptical of their plans, but if they pull this off with quality materials I promise to put my reservations with them aside.
