Thank you @HousingNowTO for all of your continued efforts. Keep putting the pump on all of our politicians (especially the useless ones who are clueless as to the housing crisis this city has faced for decades).
Thanks..! However, to be fair - MOST of the politicians (and staff) we talk to already KNOW the "right thing to do" on these kind of sites when it comes to height and density to make the affordable-housing MATH work but they are terrified of two things -

1.) Blow-back from their local-political base for -​
  • Over-ruling the Secondary-Plan from years ago (*that a handful of local motivated NIMBYs dedicated themselves to).
  • Being accused of "selling-out" the neighbourhood to developers in advance of 2022 Council-Elections.
2.) The Affordable-Housing (HOUSING NOW) site being used as a "precedent" by future Private-Sector proposals in the same neighbourhood.​

We have seen all of that play-out on the HOUSING NOW site on Queen Street East in the BEACH(ES) - and expect the same with the DANFORTH GARAGE site in the next 12-months.

Essentially, that is why our volunteers advised Council to MZO all of the HOUSING NOW sites early in 2019. Do the hard and politically painful stuff EARLY in the Term - and get it "shovels-in-the-ground" before the Council elections roll-around again.


(JAN 2019) PDF -
Seems like a logical place to build high density public housing. It would make no sense to build low here. I think today's economics and environmental concerns pretty much preclude status quo density expectations anywhere in the city.

Edit People ask me from time to time to join the local community group but I don't think they would like my opinions...
Edit People ask me from time to time to join the local community group but I don't think they would like my opinions...

Au contraire, you must! Residents associations (and the less formal groups that nonetheless wind up having influence at various times) are often dominated by people who joined expressly to preserve the status quo. Local conversations around densification, affordability, and city-building in general would be all the better if more UT members became vocal voices in their communities.
Seems like a logical place to build high density public housing. It would make no sense to build low here. I think today's economics and environmental concerns pretty much preclude status quo density expectations anywhere in the city.

Edit People ask me from time to time to join the local community group but I don't think they would like my opinions...
On the bright side, we'd know it was you...because you'll be the only one sitting there covered in tar and feathers.😼
Any update when this proposal will be submitted to the city? Also any update whether Larco Investments or Aga Khan Council / Aga Khan Foundation is a partner in this project? Will there be a prayer space within this building?
Any update when this proposal will be submitted to the city? Also any update whether Larco Investments or Aga Khan Council / Aga Khan Foundation is a partner in this project? Will there be a prayer space within this building?
CreateTO's most recent HOUSING NOW MILESTONE report (Aug. 26th) says that "Go-to-Market" for their RFP on 150 QUEEN'S WHARF is - Q4 2021.


There are only Three (3) meetings of the Planning & Housing Committee remaining in Q4 2021 - so we would expect it to be approved at Committee at one of the October meetings and approved at Council on November 9th/10th. The RFP would then be put out for bids to appropriate "Not-for-Profit" developers and their Partners.

Neither, Larco Investments nor Aga Khan Council / Aga Khan Foundation is a partner in this project - as the RFP will not be sent out to find partners until NOV or DEC.

NOTE : There is "Community Space" in the plans - but the use of that space is not prescribed.

CreateTO's most recent HOUSING NOW MILESTONE report (Aug. 26th) says that "Go-to-Market" for their RFP on 150 QUEEN'S WHARF is - Q4 2021.


There are only Three (3) meetings of the Planning & Housing Committee remaining in Q4 2021 - so we would expect it to be approved at Committee at one of the October meetings and approved at Council on November 9th/10th. The RFP would then be put out for bids to appropriate "Not-for-Profit" developers and their Partners.

Neither, Larco Investments nor Aga Khan Council / Aga Khan Foundation is a partner in this project - as the RFP will not be sent out to find partners until NOV or DEC.

NOTE : There is "Community Space" in the plans - but the use of that space is not prescribed.

View attachment 351342
Thank you for your response. It was very detailed and went above and beyond. I appreciate your hard work. Looking forward to updates on this project :)
