What's the deal with the (friggin' huge!) Demag Crane here? I thought it was brought in to raise the permanent crane into place, but it seems to be parked for the long term.

On an aside, if this is the logo Demag's now using

it's truly a pallid comedown from this

That is, assuming it's all one and the same.
I'm sure they squeezed all they could get out of MSPaint's 16 Colour Bitmap format.
From U of T


Yes, the crane is going up today, as can be seen in the photos I took this afternoon:

WHAT the H E double hockey sticks is that building with the checkerboard like pattern in those pics? I've never noticed that building before!
what a nightmare this is... this city always looks to be in a state of permanent construction. It never looks finished. And I am saying that more with tourists in mind. We who live here are used to it by now, but it cant be a good impression. (unless some of the tourists like giant cranes) And Bloor ST down to one lane each way? any betting on road rage incidents before th end of summer?

Ever been to NYC?
so.... I dont have any pictures of THIS one from today... (even though i was there.... but the sun was behind it and my feet hurt too much to go around, so yeah)

but they are moving REALLY fast with this one... up to 5 floors of steel framing almost complete! at this rate the 14 lucky people who get to live in this amazing building will be able to move in soon! hahaha

I love this building though, hurrah.
June 2, 2008


I had no idea how high they were going with this. From Queen's Park it looks like that crane is high enough to go higher than the old Four Seasons tower.
I had no idea how high they were going with this. From Queen's Park it looks like that crane is high enough to go higher than the old Four Seasons tower.

6 floors are being constructed on top, likely in the range of about 13' per floor, so roughly 80 feet is being added. It will be very dramatic but only about 20 levels when it's complete.
You oughta see the crane and superstructure from down University Avenue, looming to the right over Queen's Park...
