From my West end pov, top of crane is about even with top of Four Seasons' hotel. Well, about halfway between 4 Seasons and 18 Yorkville. Either way, pretty tall. But from the West, Yorkville area needs about 50 more 55+ story highrises.:)
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned here but the webcam is pretty interesting for this one.

From the PLC website.
Given the deference they're paying to the Torno penthouse, I think/hope maintaining the existing curtain wall look is a self-generating reality. (Then again, they *didn't* quite restore the base to its pre-PoMo look. And they trashed the old elevator cabs.)
As i recall, its the interior of the Torno apt that has been preserved, I didn't believe there was any special value attributed to the exterior of the building. Do you thiunk it is attractive?
the exterior of the building is remaining as is, just the base/retail is being renovated (the stores are all getting a taller facades) for a more substantial bloor street presence.
As i recall, its the interior of the Torno apt that has been preserved, I didn't believe there was any special value attributed to the exterior of the building. Do you thiunk it is attractive?

From a casual observer standpoint...yes. At least from the "why bother trashing it for something newfangled" standpoint.
I wouldn't want to see this building re-clad either. It's a simple, honest, modernist office building.

June 19 2008



and i'll put a planter right in THAT corner... and perhaps a little fountain too..



and of course where the entrance to the office USED to be, is now a big pile of Hermes Boxes.... oh if only I could get my hands on the giant sized Birkin bags, belts and scarves that lay within those giant boxes...
(more shots of this in the Yorkville retail section)
Great shots. What I want to know is where did all the iron workers come from? Years with no steel buildings going up and now a bunch of them at the same time.
the Eye-talians?

geez, this thing is just whipping along... more projects should involve tacking height onto already established buildings.
