RBC is pretty spread out as well but they seem to be happy to keep it that way based on Waterpark Place 3.

ING Direct moving down from Steeles and the 404? They have a huge campus up there currently, has to be around 600k square feet.
RBC is pretty spread out as well but they seem to be happy to keep it that way based on Waterpark Place 3.

ING Direct moving down from Steeles and the 404? They have a huge campus up there currently, has to be around 600k square feet.

ING is not in play - they moved from 401/404 -> Steeles / 404 as you said - this was done just recently, deals just signed, I'm sure there are staying put. They didn't even move per say they always had a large presence in both, I think it was combination of a downsizing (at least space wise) + relocation.

Yea RBC should be content now ...
RBC Plaza south is still retained
RBC Waterpark place
RBC Dexia
And a couple other smaller building (but they own the entire thing). i.e. that one they just renovated.
IBM makes no sense at all for thousands of reasons ....
P&G recently downsized in NYCC (giving back floors) so hard to see that.

I really doubt its any of these other smaller Canadian HQs of American companies, they have no need to be located downtown and typically care much more about their bottom line. Now coke is a good example that defies this, but keep in mind, that was to King East ... where I'm sure the net rental rates would be much lower then this tower ..

I'd rule out any smaller intentional software / media company, not that they may not have interest in Toronto ... actually the lease original lease at QrC West was just such a player, they wouldn't want to look at traditional 'core' office space, and this giant building is surely that .. rather they'd select sites like King E / W ..
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What about someone like Hatch or SNC consolidating and moving into the core? Hatch has a huge number of buildings in Mississauga / Oakville and it must be a pain...
What about someone like Hatch or SNC consolidating and moving into the core? Hatch has a huge number of buildings in Mississauga / Oakville and it must be a pain...

I was just thinking this. Engineering firms or Mining firms of which there are many large ones operating in Ontario. I don't see much need for them to be located downtown though. Consolidation of office space would be the number one objective if they moved in I figure.
SNC has their own real estate portfolio. I don't see them leasing from CF.
SNC is one of the tenants (along with Apple, and Marsh & McLennan) of Bremner Tower between 18 York (PwC) and the new Delta Hotel
I wasn't thinking straight. SNC manages properties. Still applies to CF which has their own crew.
from the Globe&Mail: Cisco taps Toronto as one of four global innovation hubs

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/repo...ticle17311981] Has Cisco already been asked?
Yes Cisco is moving to RBC building on Queens Quay, this deal is signed.
Yes Cisco is moving to RBC building on Queens Quay, this deal is signed.

OT, but I'm glad more tech innovators are moving into the core, and I hope it's the start of a trend. Commuting to the burbs for work sucks.
