The truck in the second picture is also known as a articulate hauler.
^ What's an articulated hauler?
That internet could have told you (and me) ...

Articulated hauler
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Caterpillar 740 Ejector going up an incline
An articulated hauler, articulated dump truck (ADT), or sometimes a dump hauler, is a very large heavy duty type of dump truck used to transport loads over rough terrain, and occasionally on public roads. The vehicle usually has all-wheel drive and consists of two basic units: the front section, generally called the tractor, and the rear section that contains the dump body, called the hauler or trailer section. Steering is made by pivoting the front in relation to the back by hydraulic rams. This way, all wheels follow the same path, making it an excellent off-road vehicle.
Still looks like it ought to be headed to the gym on a regular basis. A few stories taller wasn't going to change that impression for me.
LOL ... the top few storeys often tell the story. When "the shortening" happens (soon to be a Stephen King novel), fat buildings get fatter. Agree somewhat with ur comment but do think 5 or 6 storeys stolen here is (as rendered) a big deal. Barn door closed of course.
Will be an interesting build no doubt... but of all the recent haircuts (storeys lopped off), this one hurts the most. Too chubby.

Promise I'll sfu after posting again what we could have had.
Well, not to come off as a virtue signaling scold or anything, but given global warming and all that comes with it, chubby buildings are much more energy efficient than their tall glass of water brethren. Ideally, all buildings should be lower than 8 floors, but seeing as how that's not really possible in the CBD then there outta be a stipulation that towers be as chunky as possible. (And I say that as an life long ardent lover of tall buildings. However, our whole mindset really needs to change when it comes to urban development and its connection to AGW) End of nag.

(Now off to delete all of my old posts remonstrating various buildings for being too short--including this one.)
That's a pretty big hole, this tower I think is either going to turn out great, or not so good lol. Im curious how these big gaping holes will end up looking in reality. Im keeping an open mind.
